Pops Freshenmeyer

Can I use this chair?

Stop trying to Wedge all these puns into this thread.

Yeah, a bit late, I'm catching up to my DVR and thinking you got it right. His psychologist persona is actively trying to dissuade inhumans from joining Colson's up and coming public face of their program, and his mutant side is killing the one who would be close to coming out/exposing themselves.

I think you meant to say, "all he can do is reaction shots."

Lisa! In this house we obey the laws of thermodynamics!!!

1. Kid A
2. OK Computer
3. In Rainbows
4. The Bends
(My top 4 are pretty inflexible, the rest, depending on my mood or what I haven't listened to in a while)
5. Amnesiac
6. The King of Limbs
7. Hail to the Thief
8. Pablo Honey

Does that mean you're kicking me?

As I understand it, it's legal because there's "skill" involved.

I think I saw it on HBOs Real Sports, but can't remember for sure, but anyway, I was watching an interview with someone who plays those daily fantasy baseball games for a living! He had created his own database with players statistics based on pitcher/hitter match ups and added variables to account for how they

Every preview showed Robin Williams swinging an axe at someone, but if memory serves that happens near the end of the film and the majority of the plot was set up to suggest he in fact wasn't a crazy person who murders people and was being framed or something.

To this day, my favorite part of that bit is how the mayor is giving him concession after concession for labs and grants, but it's the request for Chinese grad students that makes him hesitate.

They legitimately didn't know if they would make more episodes, I agree the crowd shot was amazing, and I thought the fade out when they entered the wormhole that transitioned into the intro graphic was clever. So yeah, the plot for this one wasn't great, and it's arguably the worst of the 4 DVDs, but it's still

Let's not forget the joke they make by putting two Homers in the same frame in the Boy Scouts episode when Lisa is making a point about how cartoons don't always have to make sense. That was extremely early in the series run.

"Everyone looks so sad, except Lenny, he looks great"

Bender's Game has its moments, mostly before the whole D&D part, but that's about it (Fry in the chicken tunnel: "This wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for all the chickens", etc). Whether it's better than Wild Green Yonder (ambitious plot, but missed the mark in so many places, plus nothing for Bender to do in the

No, sounded more like a pig fainting.

Not really surprising at all given the way the series has always been. Wasteland is (likely) going to be a story about other characters with Max once again acting as the vessel through which the audience experiences the universe Miller has created.

Ok, I feel bad for laughing, but that was pretty damn funny Señor.

ESPN never found a role for him on television because he performed poorly whenever he had the chance. You can probably still find the clip on YouTube of when he was on camera during the NBA playoffs (2014, I think) and basically started complaining about not being given the chance to talk - the host Sage Steele gives

He thinks he knows him