Pops Freshenmeyer

Was it from The Happy Dog?

Yeah, a day really gives you a full perspective on a city and all the people who live there. I mean it's not like Cleveland has world class health care, an outstanding theatre district, a highly regarded symphony, a professional basketball team with a superstar, an excellent local food scene that's expanding (with

I'll give you a dollar

You know, we have 50 on sale today for $3000

counterpoint: "row, row, row your boat"
in all seriousness, I still will watch it because it's Star Trek and Bones is my favorite character so I really enjoy his scenes in V. I do, however think it's the worst of the movies if only because in my arbitrary ranking system I expect more from the original cast as compared

Very sad to hear the news today - I also appreciated how he was able to reach out on behalf of Star Trek to the Simpsons, Futurama (according to the commentary they couldn't get Shatner for the Star Trek episode until He learned that Nimoy was involved). The new Trek movies wouldn't work with any other character's

Hey Bender, I caught a fish this big

Homer's misplaced anger there reminds me of his response to the guy who said he got Paul McCartney to leave Wings:
"You idiot! He was the best one!"

Oh, like when a clown dies.

*Drives Austin 3:16 Monster Truck over Snake doctor's car while chugging Coors Light in retaliation.

I think the point of the joke is not that The Gender Bender gimmick is supposed to make him loathsome, I took it that the joke is professional wrestling fans would feel that way and therefore boo him. For a while Stone Cold Steve Austin was the most popular wrestler on the planet and his gimmick was just that he was

These pun threads appear on this site every few weeks, it's like a monthly cycle.

So is "tolkieneditor" Christopher Tolkien?

More important question, who will play the mailchimp spokesperson?

Not to mention the fact that losing the fight was what sent you to the penalty box!

Not even a runner up???

"Did you get my letters?"

There he is! Seat 3F!
I love the notion that the mob from North Haverbrook apparently just hangs out at the airport.


According to the authors note in the edition of The Hobbit I have, orc is not an English word, and is translated as "goblin," so the word orc comes from what hobbits call goblins. They are however, exclusively called goblins in the text of The Hobbit and, if memory serves, orcs in the Lord of the Rings. The movies