Pops Freshenmeyer

And more time to make sure dwarves are only there for comic relief. Except for the three of them that just look like short humans with beards of course.

Don't bother with Crash.

I actually think the reviewer didn't give True Romance enough credit. While I (from a few listens to the SUCKER) enjoy both, I didn't find many cliche, "boutique Kesha" issues with the former. Either way, I think it's a solid sophomore effort.

I have not actually - but thanks for the tip, I have an hour commute to my work every day, so I was actually looking for something to replace Serial (and Spotify)

I completely agree. Everything he wrote about the gags and the show starting to show its age is completely true, yet for some reason this remains one of my all time favorite episodes. It probably has to do with how I was into the X-Files when this episode came out, but I also think Mulder and Scully were used the

I am so smart - S, M, R, T
I mean, S, M, A, R, T
according to the commentary, that was never written in the script, they said Dan Castellaneta gets so into the character that it was an unintentional ad-lib.

regarding the "house that love built," on the commentary some of the writers said it was loosely based on a Jack Handy story that I had never heard - basically a shoe maker is down on his luck and running out of money so at night some elves come to help him by making shoes, only they're so horribly made he's actually

Agent That Looked Like A Gillette Commercial

If it's clear an yella', you got juice there fella'
If it's tangy and brown you're in cider town!

I disagree with your assessment of the blog posting, but more specifically I was also referring to how he went into tie-breakers and for the judges who were split they were assigning points or something along those lines - so agree to disagree, I guess.
As far as the editing, you (both) bring up excellent points, but

so basically, we're still hung up on the finale from last season? I felt Tom Colicchio defended the judges decision very well in his blog. Seeing as how none of us actually tasted the food, I still can't really fathom how passionate people feel about the outcome. And now we're supposed to be skeptical about the

I tackled a loafer at work today.

According to the commentary, they had hours of Albert Brooks recordings that were mostly unscripted. One of them made a passing comment on how they were hoping that they would make the special features on the DVD - which no one bothered to follow up on I guess.

Dear Pops Freshenmeyer:
It occurred to me some time ago that there are two of us. I would like to take this opportunity to say hello and say that I hope no one's online persona's ego is bruised by the use of the same name. Especially since I created this account years ago and post about once per month at most. After

Everyone knows the best archery conventions are held in Reno.

My friend and I insist it would be a great short film if we learn the back story as to why that driver is so incredibly angry at someone not liking The Eagles.

it doesn't work!

Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter. How do you come up with the numbers? Although I would just have to take your word for it on anything past season 11 or so.

let the bears pay the bear tax

Johnny Utah is a better football name. Different movie, I know, but I like to image he and Shane Falco are the same character in those movies.