Pops Freshenmeyer


I still feel Pulp Fiction is his best, but reading your analysis makes me want to re-watch Jackie Brown.

my friend and I use it any time the Denver Broncos come up in conversation. I still think the best part of that joke is that the Broncos went on to win the Super Bowl the next year.

Sorry, but the greatest is:
"Mrs. Simpson, you have nothing to worry about. I watched Matlock in a bar last night.. the sound wasn't on, but I think I got the gist of it."

I said light starch!
*pokes with comically stiff night cap*
(my personal favorite from this episode)

"To who?!?"

A lot of people don't know this, but I had one of the first radios in the galaxy. Back then, it was just Chancelor Palpatine reciting the alphabet. "A" he'd say. Then B. C would usually come next…

No, smegma is what you get if you don't properly wash your uncircumcised penis, although it's possible to get it either way if one doesn't shower often enough.

Actually, getting even more technical, the schmuck is the part of the penis that's cut off from a circumcision.

I even knew this episode was coming up, too. Sorry I let you all down.

Sure, but when I was a kid I heard Song 2 on the radio and liked it. So the next time I was at a record store I decided to buy a Blur album and the only one they had was "The Great Escape". I wouldn't have gotten into Blur if it weren't for the fact they tried to parody what a radio single would sound like.


(Rant warning)
I could talk all day about some of the issues I have with this show, but one thing that's been standing out more and more to me is that the characters have become far too good at zombie killing. Looking back, nearly all of my favorite episodes get dramatic tension from the characters having to hide, or

Daryl not checking the door just so he can let zombies in.
Glen going into a dark tunnel with no way out when he can hear zombies inside
Carol and Cutty leaving three little kids alone so then can try and find a deer
Maggie/Glen/Sasha/Bob splitting up with a group despite the fact that safety in numbers means you can

Also, I know watching any TV show, let alone one about zombies, requires some suspension of disbelief, but all that gunfire in the tunnels really bothered me. With all that echoing, it would be deafening. Remember in the pilot when Rick shot the soldier's gun inside of the tank? They acknowledged that by his ears

the characters don't act like real people. This is one of the many reasons it's getting harder and harder to relate to this show. Do the writers think that having Glen refuse to talk to anyone or getting into pointless fights makes it more believable how much he and Maggie are in love? It's like they think

Cards Against Humanity: House of Cards Pack

Can't we just enjoy things that are funny?

He still had some family left with his dad and his new sister, along with his new adopted family at the prison when he killed his mother. Also, she was already dead and he was just putting a bullet through her to make sure she wouldn't change. This time, Rick was the only one, family or otherwise, he had left. He

pretty sure that already happened sometime around 2001-ish. DMX is probably more disappointed than this Feldman person is that this is no longer going to happen. I guess he has "Couples Therapy" and "Iyanla, Fix My Life" to fall back on…