Pops Freshenmeyer

I enjoy Musburger on ESPNs college football.  I think he and Herbstreit have a very good booth repoire.  Without Keith Jackson now, his voice is the one I associate the most with college football.

I was relatively young, so all four pretty much just blur together at this point, but in hindsight, making it to and then losing four in a row is almost unbelievable.  Kind of glad they happened when I was an innocent kid, rather than a bitter adult.

He seemed very caught off guard when it appeared he was the only one with the working mic during the power outage.

ESPN may be a self-promoting machine that spends most of its time with over-analysis and talking heads opining on hypotheticals or shouting at one another (as opposed to showing actual highlights of things other than dunks) - but they do a damn good job covering the actual games and generally their booth/desk crews do

Also (I'm sure this comment is going to earn me all sorts of shit from this site), it's become more noticeable that they won't do much of anything to make fun of Obama.  Weekend update especially.  I mean, maybe he's tough to make fun of, but it seems like they're really laying off while they have no qualms whatsoever

Also (I'm sure this comment is going to earn me all sorts of shit from this site), it's become more noticeable that they won't do much of anything to make fun of Obama.  Weekend update especially.  I mean, maybe he's tough to make fun of, but it seems like they're really laying off while they have no qualms whatsoever

37th best in results?  Without going into the whole lies, damned lies, statistics, blah, blah - let me at least say that health care quality in general is something very difficult to quantify - strong hospitals may have worse-appearing morbidity/mortality stats, but that's only because they take on extremely sick

37th best in results?  Without going into the whole lies, damned lies, statistics, blah, blah - let me at least say that health care quality in general is something very difficult to quantify - strong hospitals may have worse-appearing morbidity/mortality stats, but that's only because they take on extremely sick

I agree completely with the SAT analogy.  I DVR it as well, so I either watch drunk when I get home or Sunday morning.

Gilly sketch makes the episode start with an automatic F.  Almost Pizza, an good Weekend Update, and the straight-up take-down of Andy Cohen's show bumped it up in my view to C range.  Drunk Uncle is solid, but the third time they've brought him out is starting to borderline on "meh".  The rest of the sketches were

Agree with most everything already said.

why the hell was she looking at a map anyway?  From what I can tell there was just one road that seems to go straight into town.

Agreed on Pete's backstory…

Hold your fire, there are no reasonable discussions on this thread - must have short circuited.

So you're saying he plays the "Denzel Washington-character" in every movie?

But spinning is a good trick.

I am totally looking forward to the day when walking takes that much effort without a moving sidewalk.


I think I see what they're saying, but there's a clear lack of perspective.  Lots of other types of jobs have "training" costs.  Student loans, for example.  My parents weren't independently wealthy so I took out student loans for college and medical school.  Tuition alone came to over $200,000 and that's not counting

I also enjoyed her entirely gratuitous and unecessary "mothafuckaaa" thrown out after Padma had finished explaining the Quickfire.  Or at least explaining 10% of it at the time and producers doing the rest off camera.  Was it just me or did anyone else find it blatently obvious that her explanation was a