Pops Freshenmeyer

I noticed that too.  Probably were pissed off when they found out that healthy choice was sponsoring that particular food drive.

You can be allergic to bee stings (I am) and not require having epi around.  Lots of people have allergies without an anaphylactic response.

The frogurt will also be peddled by foreign criminals…that's bad.

I like Nyesha well-enough, she did pretty much get screwed by her partner in that poorly-contrived double elimination so she's got my sympathy (as an aside, why use that as the double elimination episode, why not use it on any of the other up-all-night-shit-shows that we've seen this season).  But she lost my support

I looked up the article on gullibility because my buddy told me that wikipedia surprisingly didn't have an article on it.

Bev is clearly a bit off, possibly lacking in some common sense/social skills but damn, I've been all about team Bev since episode one.  The main complaint for this season (aside from too many team challanges) is the utterly forgettable chefs.  But with Bev, you've got it all.  It's refreshing to watch a reality show

The camera shots at judge's table are getting over the top, too.  I literally laughed outloud when they first cut to Tom's forced scowl when the losing team walked out.  Seriously, if you DVRed the episode, go back and watch.  It's as if the producers have told him enough times how to look really angry and he finally

Do we even know that she was suffering from "heat stroke?"  That was never explicitly stated from what I was able to glean.  It was obviously edited Magical-Elves style to maximize the drama.  All that was shown was her saying she felt faint, getting her blood pressure taken, and she was asked if she knew what month

"When a man needs to prove to a woman that he's actually…

Anything with Franklin

Dane and Suffering
The Count of Monte Cook-sto
Dane Bramage

no, it clearly began to spiral after Boy-Scoutz 'n the Hood in season 5 because of that gag where there were two Homers seen in the background when Bart and Lisa were having a conversation about how cartoons don't have to make sense.

not a Bob quote but I also personally love the animation of Lenny and Carl's faces from the beginning of Sideshow Bob Roberts when Homer is explaining that "I'm not very political, I usually think people who vote are a bit, 'fruity'…"

Slight edge to Sideshow Bob Roberts.

I still have yet to see:

Rapier Ape?!? I sure hope there's not a Rapiest Ape!

I think a lot of very good points have been made on this and other threads. My general stance on Netflix is it's a service I feel is worth paying for. I respect the notion that art is not always supposed to be easily accessable, but I wouldn't boycott a service/product I enjoy and can afford even if they jack up


going along with that, as movies can be increasingly expensive to make studios are getting, in a way, lazier and pushing more "safe" releases. There's been a very noticeable trend in "remakes," "reboots," "re-imaginings," sequels years and years after the fact, not to mention otherwise forgettable TV shows being made

Disagree Goosio - his argument wasn't, "Why do you care so much about a fictional character?" it was, "I get that fans of a show, any show, including the Simpsons (Brady Bunch was an example used in the commentary) care about their characters and I personally find that weird." I never got the impression that Ken