Pops Freshenmeyer

just a few points, then I'll shut up since we're never going to resolve this issue. If you listen to the commentary, Ken Keeler more or less says it's one of the episodes he's most proud of. He was using the citizens' of Springfield reaction as a comparison to how odd he found it that fans of a TV show would get

why do I get the feeling that people on this site don't like The Principal and the Pauper?

another great thing about that gag is that there's clearly no consistency in how big he is from one shot to the next. He's clearly getting progressively larger as the sequence goes on. Also, if he's made of gold, why does he need to be wearing a crown and jewels? Wait, why am I even trying to rationalize this?

"you mean like, 'rubes'?"

it's also worth noting from listening to the commentary, several of the players (they wouldn't reveal names) loved the fact that they made Strawberry the kiss-ass.

but steve sax was on the Yankees which automatically meant he was a star.

looks like this "Cars" is a lemon?

not just a "stoner" but a depressed dude with a history of suicide attempt. Not hating on the guy at all, I like most of his work but I feel slightly bad for him and hope he's gotten the help he needed/needs.

I'm sort of pissed off at Adam Dunn as well. I pretty much wasted a 7th round draft pick on him in my fantasy baseball draft and the guy is batting .178 with only 7 HRs. I mean, I don't have to tell you that corner infielders have to generate a good deal of your power stats. I've had to burry him on my bench

yes, he must be an total asshole - making quality movie after quality movie for our enjoyment. Talented people just have to fail so untalented people like us have more in common with them and therefore don't have these pent up feelings of resentment. And if they don't fail, well they're clearly assholes.

that already sounds like the greatest movie ever

The Star Trek (..the star…trek…) review is in the same vein as the majority of the points he makes in his arguments about the TNG movies being bad - too much of those movies were dumb action shlock with Picard not acting anything like he did in the show. He's right when he notes that the more enlightened, philosopher

secretly, I'm kind of hoping in a few weeks when Rabin gets to Homer at the Bat he gives it like a C minus or something just to see the outrage that ensues in the comments section. He could gripe about how our society puts too much emphasis on sports or how he's never heard of any of the ringers that Mr. Burns

waaaait a minute!

I actually did not know that. But thank you, that makes a decent amount of sense. Although it doesn't completely excuse the mouthing of lines or accidentally reading someone else's.

no, pretty sure the cast members are just way too reliant on cards. Some are noticibly worse than others. I've caught Keenan mouthing other people's lines, Bobby Moynahan (who I actually usually like) is pretty bad - I mean, he has like 2 lines as the bumbling ride operator in those carnival sketches and he's still

Jason Sudekis helped pull that skit back for me. The first time was funny, creepy, original - (so of course they would try and run it into the ground.) But they had the right guest host to try it again with, and Keenan's screaming delivery of lines in the one voice he does in everything he's in never fails ruin

thank you for not giving every episode A-/B+'s as it had been getting in recent seasons even though it hadn't been consistently funny in years. It takes time to justify what you like and don't like, but it's good that you didn't go into every episode with a preconceived notion. If I had this season, I probably would


Plus any episode with the Goth kids should get bumped up a letter grade - that's just science.