Pops Freshenmeyer

as offensive as listening to Nickelback? So it's worse than I had even imagined.

Perhaps casting Matthew McConaughey for the insufferability aspect as the life-long best friend to juxtapose him to Paul Giamatti. He effortlessly exudes natural charisma, has a largely-unearned life of ease, gives worthless advice to his friend dealing with real problems…

it's usually the "bad" reviews that bring out the worst in Pitchfork. Off the top of my head, Zaireeka by Flaming Lips (the 4 cd album) getting a 0 out of 10. Actually pretty entertaining to read though.

"Don't put Kramer in front of a camera,"

ah, Notre Dame 2004

sounds like that analogy has hit close to home?

No shit!!! I was at that Alan Page commencement too! All I really remember is he ended his speech quoting The Lorax.

a wizard did it.

In defense of Dick Vitale - sure he's kind of annoying, too goofy to take seriously, and has kind of formed into a parody of himself but at least you have to respect the fact that he has genuine enthusiasm for the NCAA tournament and is enjoying the game. Not like Billy Packer who would call some games with almost a

You're not my supervisor!!!

no exaggeration, I think I've seen the speech around 50 times by now. And so even with the hilarity of the reveal lessened, I still cannot watch it without a smile on my face. I respectfully disagree with the grade - the speech alone would make any episode, and therefore this one, a true classic.

Joker's Favor:
first episode of this series I ever saw as a kid during the original run. I NEVER wound up catching it on a re-run and I know I saw plenty of other episodes more than once. Yet I can still distinctly remember the plot ~20 years later. Sign of a damned good episode of a damned good show, in my opinion.

the editing
Anyone else noticing how bad the voice-overs and editing have been these past few episodes? Since they decided to make Mike the villian we had Richard's "Sorry, Mikey, I win this one" after last week's challange which sounded like they spliced it together from about three different sentences. Same thing

That episode of the Venture Bros. where they parody of the Scooby Doo gang was funny enough because they were all kind of horrible-bastardized parodies of the originial characters. Then out of curiosity I checked out the wikipedia page for the episode and it mentioned that they were also all supposed to represent

I would have been pissed off too. He knew plenty of the answers but he couldn't buzz in fast enough. I was really rooting for him and Brad.

I'm detective John Kimble.

yeah, day one and two were big commercials, but I bet it bumps up their stock price.

Sorry not to be argumentative, but how does one "hunt" for daily doubles? As far as I understand jeopardy, they're placed randomly. Regardless, it seemed to me that it was taking the two or three highest questions (answers!) in each catagory.

Principal, I most certainly did.
