Pops Freshenmeyer

You can guess what happens next.

Lana no!!! You'll kill us all!!!

Season 1 was OK…

unless they some smart-ass pawns

I like Sudeikis' Wolf Blitzer - sounds barely like him, but it's a funny impression.

I'm hoping he gets more and more to do so they can finally give the boot to the fat kid from Good Burger who does approximately zero impressions and is apparently only capable of delivering his lines in the same voice in various degrees of shouting.

another thing that's always bothered me is - how the hell did Padme not know she was having twins?!? It's the fucking future. I mean, I know it takes place "a long time ago in a galaxy far away" but there are fucking robots delivering the babies, I'm pretty sure they have some advantages in prenatal care compared to

it would appear that the only activities on Juggalo Island are a dirty tarp used as a slide and a rope swing over a mud hole.

I think he only endorsed not vaccinating your kids so that he could have sex with Jenny McCarthy.

Fabio doesn't go to a ranch and chop up his own cow with just a cleaver each time he wants to cook a steak though.

not to mention how the rest of the season 2 cast formed a "cool kids clique" and intentionally excluded Marcel around the halfway point.

Good morning ma'am, good afternoon sir.
You see it passed noon while I was speaking, so what I said was technically correct.

We had to move out once we filled the head with garbage. The End.

"Marge! How could you let me let myself go like this?!?"

I was buying them all the week they came out with the original intent of getting every season, but after 11 I just didn't think it was worth the money any more. I mean, we all can bitch and say the show started sucking after season X, but buying all seasons of a show on DVD get expensive after a while.

The Gang Solves the Gas Crisis.

Mac would probably name his kid Chase.

and they weren't adjusting their shields for a moving sun, they had to adjust them for the earth's rotation! Gah! I give you the worst grade imaginable: A-

in a major twist, Legolas dies in the Battle of Five Armies.

Good list, agree that it is missing Beach House - my personal fave of 2010, but Teen Dream did come out pretty early in the year, so that probably hurt it. Definitely surprised that Sufjan Stevens was left off.