Pops Freshenmeyer


I've also always sort of felt that way about the episode. Marge was way too liberal with her responses to the question, anyone with any common sense would not have elaborated to the degree she did. And it was really the expansion on the answers that wound up making the case turn in the other direction.

You suffer from bonus eruptus. It's a rare disorder in which the skeleton tries to jump out of the body through the mouth.

well, God and the angels did give him his own statue of keanu reeves, so there was no sense in getting greedy…

This shtick is fadin'
just like Ninja gaiden

I really enjoyed this episode, but I f-ing loved that bit.

This mission just got a whole lot more impossible.

when Kenny was seen leaving his house they showed Kite man as the first one walking in the basement after the scene cut. Mosquito has to be Kyle.

"He's been on the show for 8 years and it's pathetic how people keep defending mediocrity."

The cold open was everything I can't stand about the show and Scott's character. Like Myles said in the review, I think he came across too dumb and too ignorant.

Because he once said he's a proponent of a single-payer health care system.

communities like Washington

I thought the joke was that the glue from the fake mustache tore off some of his skin around the lip - therefore it clearly wasn't HSV-1 - which made his over-reacting that much worse, or funnier, depending on what camp you fall in.

The live studio audience was clearly grating on Alec Baldwin, too. Did anyone else notice him flipping them off in the very beginning?

Call me crazy, but maybe it was just trying to be something that was enjoyable to watch.

He's sort of just re-playing the recurring brothel-patron he did in Reno 911.

One director to film them all,
One production company to finance them,
One producer to develop them all
and in their contracts bind them.

totally agree except I actually really liked the analytical geek, Nasim has some serious potential. I'd give that sketch an A or B.

For the record, I very much enjoy documentaries and I'm not trying to hate on the guy for putting together a successful movie just because it proved an obvious point. Even better, I say good for him for parlaying it into a TV show and, to a lesser extent, good for his gf/wife for parlaying the exposure into putting

Super size me - guy eats McDonalds for 30 days and SHOCKINGLY he gains weight, has health problems, and feels like shit.