Pops Freshenmeyer

Still trying to pick my jaw up off the ground from when I read that Lisa is "the least popular of all Simpsons." We don't have to argue but in my opinion there are so many more Lisa-based moments and episodes that easily top any of the best Marge moments. I know she fulfills an essential role in the family dynamic,

I think he did great work in The Departed. That movie most likely converted me to become a fan of his acting more than any of the others you all have previously mentioned. No desire to re-watch Titanic. I do kind of want to see Shutter Island again to see how his performance stacks up. I saw it in the theater and

still managed to get a shot in at Family Guy though and every AV Club-er knows the best way to show how smart you are is to point out how inferior that show is.

the way I see it, McNulty is flawed, but he's perfectly flawed. I enjoyed the hell out of his self-destructive moves, I enjoyed the hell out of his benders, I enjoyed the hell out of his eventual successful relationship with Amy Ryan's character. He was just another amazing piece in the best show ever.

I'm sorry dear, I thought you was corn…

(Fry successfully dropped out of college and returned to his dead end job as a delivery boy.)


Flexo's not dead or written off for that matter. He's already been arrested at Bob Barker's request and almost crushed to death. Bender leaving him in a dumpster does not mean that he can't come back at some point.

Personally, I have difficulty appreciating performance art. There was a Marina Abramovic exhibition going on last time I was in NY. Aside from her live performance piece, which was sitting motionless across from one museum patron at a time who waited in line - something I thought was really clever because it

I'd say these were both good episodes. I think we as nerds need to get a few more episodes into our system to fully allay all fears that these new episodes could be terrible. Then it'll be easier to enjoy "pretty good" episodes without the "not great" qualifier.

I'll throw some love toward Bender's Game - first half definitely stronger than the second. Bender's Big Score was my favorite though. Into the Wild Green Yonder was ok, but nowhere near as good an "ending" as The Devil's Hands…

I think the gamesmanship was played up by the reality-show editing crew. Agreed it was more of not giving a shit.

Personally, I did not like John's cover but I'll respect the opinions of those that did. I do have to comment on the ladder though - I thought it looked tacky, out of place to say the least. I'll grant that maybe he deserved the win, but that was more a side-effect of everyone else's being so bad.

I think so far it's been "easier" for them to demonstrate that authoritative nature because the losers from each week have been relatively awful. It's going to be tougher to come up with the reality show "top 3" and "bottom 3" for something as subjective as art when the show gets into the final stages. But so far a

Lisa needs braces

The Incredibles
Toy Story 2
Toy Story
Monsters Inc.
Finding Nemo

I'm inclinded to see it if only to find out if they address the question that has been bothering me these last 2 decades. If the A-Team is on the run from the government for "crimes they didn't committ" and if the A-Team is always helping people as soldiers of fortune, then why doesn't the government send word to

Jurassic Park 3 brought a very interesting argument to light, however. During the final scene on the beach, a bunch of marines show up to save the people from the dinosaurs and then they just cut to the ending. But who would win in a fight between 5 or 6 marines and a T-rex? These questions need answers people!!!

" If you come in peace, surrender or be destroyed. If you're here to make war, we surrender."

yeah - easy come, easy go. The only album I actually lost was by The xx, I didn't like it that much on first listen, but enough that I knew I'd be listening to it to a certain degree later on. Apple must have deemed that was worth just a $1 rebate which really chaps my ass. Why even bother to issue one?