Pops Freshenmeyer


correction, Purple and Core are great CDs.

sick tranny:

RIP Dennis.

shit, my bad - I meant adult/autosomal-dominant form.

not to nerd it up, but there's a condition known as polycystic kidney disease - which (at least the adult/recessive form) doesn't start to really become a problem until later in life. Treatment is mostly supportive, but these patients are pretty much going to need a new kidney. Now with this condition comes a higher

Raphael is cool but rude.

Personally, I don't care for the W either, but somehow Wu-Tang Forever always seems to get the most criticism.
As a general rule, most double LPs have a certain amount of filler and so …Forever is no exception.

I also didn't really think there was anything to "get," but I can very easily believe that there are plenty of people out there that would be misinterpreting shots of the wreckage on the beach.

now that you mention it, it seemed a bit odd that at my graduation, the valedictorian started telling some story about how one time when she was high she went about, "killin' her muthafuckin' car." Seemed like a strange experience for a 22 year old white girl who was a French major.

right, it's way easier to just jump to conclusions.

I would imagine it's difficult because certain shows have different levels of expectations from the viewers. For example, I like HIMYM, but I don't expect much more out of watching it other than a few laughs, some good character interaction, and the occasional steps toward completing the plot. So, I usually wind up

Thank you Noel.

They played up the emotional/spiritual/love connection between all the characters and by doing so stayed true what made most people watch the show in the first place. (we may have been drawn in by the mysteries, but the characters are what brought us back episode to episode). They paid tribute to the story they've

fish biscuit:

emotionally satisfying - I'd say yes, very much so. Season 1 - my favorite - really put a lot of elements into play regarding the mythology, but the episodes were so good because they were character driven. I can enjoy season 1 without knowing the answers to anything. That being said, about half-way into season 6

"Splice in some reaction shots of me and shove it on the air."

thanks Noel

talkingstove, I think you're probably right, but for the purposes of explaining it all away it could go like this:

They may not have had the whole story figured out from the get go, but they had the frame in place. If memory serves, ABC wanted more episodes but they were able to negotiate them down to 6 seasons and the final three with only 16 episodes each. So I'm sure they knew what they were doing planting some of the clues