Pops Freshenmeyer

Back during the MIBs first appearance, there was a line in the conversation that went something along the lines of, "this has all been played out before." So if we can acknowledge the possibility of a alterna-verse, it's not that much of a stretch to think that there have been other instances in which either Jacob or

not positive, but I think they have to be on for at least 2 years to be "full-time." But Abby Elliott would be by the fall as would Bobby Moynihan I believe, if the powers that be opt to bring them back.

it has a 100% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes so far…

Meyers on Update makes me look fondly upon the days of Colin Quinn. Sure his delivery was terrible - but that was because he was drunk!

(Sawyer - over the radio): "Frank! Show them the door!"

yeah, that all doesn't make complete sense to me either. I mean, all the other main characters are more or less the same to the core in the Sideways-verse, just their lives played out a little different without Jacob's meddling. But it seems a stretch to think that Locke's dad isn't an asshole, but that's the way

he got a stern talking-to from Desmond

incidentally, this solves the writers the trouble of trying to figure out which Kwon was the candidate.

nah, he was playing the long con. If he took his sweet time getting out of the water, it let the others have just enough time to all climb into the sub with the C4.

plus, it's not like they're built into the ground like the ones around New-otherton. They're on tripod legs, just smash them out from underneath and they'll fall over.

Probably something to do with the "rules" that have yet to be completely defined. The bomb (likely) wouldn't have gone off if Sawyer hadn't messed with it. So maybe the plane's C4 wouldn't have been able to explode if they tried to set it off. We've already seen Not-Locke have to manipulate Ben into killing for

I knew he was dead the moment the group realized they weren't going to take off in the plane.

that's only because our Vice-President came from such modest means that he couldn't have someone write his papers for him in law school unlike most of our famous politicians.

I second the idea of Hush. Slightly more obscure, but Nolan used Scarecrow and freakin' Ra's al Ghul with great success, I think he could do a lot with Hush as well.

regarding the eyes…
that's the just the ether.

Community will get an A- because it always does, The Office will get a B+/A- despite the fact that it was terrible (minus the Dwight-related plot), and 30 Rock will get a D+ because it's hip to hate that show now.

Forte's actually been using that character in random skits before, I think just this year they've given him a vehicle to run wild with it in. A good decision, in my opinion. It's weird in a good way and that character has yet to be run into the ground (give it time).

100% behind Tribe Called Quest. I seem to recall Phife Dawg's underground solo stuff was so bad even the underground people didn't like it. But still better than Q-Tip's wanna-be Puff Daddy (Diddy?) stage.
Neither ever came close to what they were when they were together.

Claire's "death" was slightly similar to what we saw happen to Jack. Sayid was dead by being straight up shot, then drowned. There's no way Jack could be zombie-dead with just 4 episodes left. He's more likely to be Claire "dead," and we still don't even really know what happened to her from that explosion. My

Locke was given a fresh start by the island, though. I know that can just be written off by assuming it was just part of the island's electromagnetic density, blah, blah, and it apparently did cure Rose's cancer, BUT we're talking about a man who was paralyzed, bitter about it, demonstrating that he may never be able