Pops Freshenmeyer

most recently, Justin Timberlake
The Rock/Dwayne Johnson???

Hader does great impressions, in fact I'd be willing to bet he'd do a better Obama than Armisen. But for some reason black-face is taboo, unless you're ethnic (half Japanese, half Latino I believe).

usually I enjoy the singing guys, but after last night it's clear that a good host (ex: Paul Rudd) can really help to carry it.

I'm not sure I got that one sketch with the girl wearing the cape and the astronauts in the background doing wedding-reception dance moves. Was that supposed to be a spoof of what passes as pop music?

agreed, much as I liked Dratch's characters - she plays a great Valentimes Day hooker - Krakowski's a better fit.

Also regarding the real Locke quote up there - remember the scene we saw of young Locke with the drawing of the smoke monster on his wall during Richard's "dalai lama test." Even as a child he has something in him that was aware that it was his destiny to be the same being with the smoke monster.

Also, I think Eloise appeared in an old episode's flashback at the jewelry store telling Desmond that it wasn't his time yet to buy the engagement ring for Penny - which led to him getting Libby's sail boat to sail around the world to prove something to her father, crashing on the island, going in the Swan station,

for the longest time, the series where Calvin has Hobbes tie him up to a chair to test his escape-artist skills "proved" (I was in denial of course) that Hobbes was real. I mean, how else could that have happened? Even Calvin's dad was asking him how he was able to do it.

I still don't feel "old" but since I just turned 28 I've been dwelling more and more on how much of my youth I've squandered - with grad school, never living anywhere that doesn't suck, etc. But I do have one thing that will always make me feel better inside, having a wife who's three years older than you.

oh no, it's out of its matrix!

"Damnit Ford!!! You're a loose cannon!!! I want this done by the books, you hear me?!?"

Witmore's henchmen - henchmen are always easily disposable.

Jack had the kid in the alta-verse before the corresponding event after his first spinal surgery when Jacob touched him by the snack machine because the mother of his kid is probably someone who would have otherwise been on the island - Juliet, or at least that's my theory.

That would be assuming that Not-Locke knew Widmore was coming via sub. I don't think that his super powers include being able to predict which third parties will be showing up at the island. Besides, if he wanted Ben dead, he could have just let Ilana shoot him, she was probably going to do it anyway if he hadn't

Ok - just throwing some ideas out there. The alterna-verse is Jacob-less, we've been watching the character's lives as they would have been without Jacob, not as they would have been without going to the island. We know that Ben was there at some point in his youth. But maybe all the properties that made the island

plus Claire (not the most reliable source) clearly drew a distinction between Christian and Not-Locke when she was talking to Jin.

Maybe we'd also get an explaination as to why Locke as a child had a drawing of the smoke monster on the wall.

"Lacrosse is gay"
"You're gay!!!
…and so am I"

"I didn't think at all. I thought to myself, Andy, don't think."

I guess I was wondering why they were experimenting on them on a TROPICAL island - but thanks to everyone who cleared that up without insulting my lack of depth on Lost-history.