Pops Freshenmeyer

Seeing that ending, I gotta say I really didn't care that much seeing Widmore. I mean, we found out he was on the island, we learned he became a leader of the Others, we then learned that that's an empty position and you only get replaced when Jacob tires of you. He gets voted off and becomes all bitter and

Now we just need an off-the-cuff comment from Miles about why there were freakin' polar bears on the island to settle another loose plot thread.

I've had just about enough of your Vassar-bashing!!!

Locke's faith wasn't earned? Maybe not, but the dude was paralyzed, he goes to a magical island that heals him thereby giving him some faith. It's not like there's any other trials his character could have endured to make him deserve it more.

I know, and I agree with you that in 5 years it will be somewhat forgotten, but that's true with so many "best picture" winners. It's just about momentum and who's hyping it at the time.

wow, it didn't even last 24 hours - the hipsters are already starting to turn on The Hurt Locker.

I enjoy Jason Sudeikis' Wolf Blitzer. Surely this means it will be run into the ground in the coming weeks.

Not a bad idea, if they're going to go for middle school humor with their writing, might as well throw some girl-girl make-outs. It's right at their demographic, apparently.

also, don't forget what Super Bowl commercials have taught us: that women suck the fun out of every aspect of a man's life and in exchange for putting up with it they get to buy giant tv's and cars to make up for their tiny wangs.

After it was rammed by the Cat Stevens.

I'm betting Dogen could have killed a candidate if he wanted to, he was just always told he's not supposed to (by Jacob). Seeing the baseball on the ground caused him to remember what he was doing there and, presumably, what loyalty he owed Jacob.

They can do whatever they want to with the character of Sayid after he came out of the Lazarus pit-thingie. Maybe the flash-sideways was just to cement in the viewer's minds that while Sayid is a complicated man, he does show moral restraint and does strive to be a better person than situations have made him in the

If MIB is the man of science/reason and Jacob is the man of faith, it would be a nice twist to see faith-based Locke take over for black and science based Jack take over for white.

If they are off, I'm not really going to miss them. I find it slightly annoying the way they've added too many new characters in seasons 4, 5, and 6. So we know that Dogen had to be alive for the ash to be an effective block of the Smoke Monster. All we need is a line or two to explain why/how Jacob did that in a

We've seen bullets bounce off of Not-Locke before, I'm pretty sure the knife would have been just as useless even if he didn't get a "hello" in first. I'm thinking Dogen was just trying to have someone else kill Sayid again.

So is the alterna-Sayid, the "killing for his family-but feels kinda bad about it" Sayid, also better off without Jacob just like we've seen with the other characters? I would say probably, which if true, is slightly paradoxical if we're assuming Jacob/white is good, Not-Locke/black is evil. With Jacob bringing

Why didn't Sayid stab Kate? It's not like he knew who he'd be running into no thanks to Dogen's incredible vague advice.

Didn't Mo Rocca briefly have a show exactly like this called "Things I Hate About You." I think it was on Bravo or something. Obviously that wasn't very successful either. Looks like they just tried adding more star power to this one.

I buy them not mapping the entire island, but from the timing of things the lighthouse must have been a short stroll from the caves - where half of the initial survivors lived for a short time. I think at least one of them would wander towards the closest coast line at some point to look for ships or other major

Christian has "Smokeyan" characteristics, but so do all the "dead" people on the island. My guess is we'll never get a solid explaination for why some characters can disappear and re-appear at random. Also, no jumping to conclusions about Christian's role as Smokey's emissary. Christian appeared in Jacob's cabin