Pops Freshenmeyer

I think Christian was claimed by Jacob because we've seen him in Jacob's cabin - which is surrounded by black ash meaning smokey couldn't have gotten in there. Plus we learned at the end of season 5 that Jack put white tennis shoes on his body in Australia - the same ones we might have seen hanging from the tree in

Well I think there's definitely a game metaphor going on with backgammon and chess being the obvious choices because of the white/black game pieces. I like your idea that's there's a king - which would likely mean Jacob and Not-Locke.

nice call, that makes sense and it works for the scene. So did someone deliberately split them up over the 30 years so as the eliminate their "candidacy"?

Good point, but Jacob dead and the Island sunk aren't on the same realities. Or at least that's what I believe based on the lessons in time travel Doc Brown taught me.

No mention of Kate, not even on the cave wall.

That kid
Anyone else think it was little Jacob? Maybe killing the dude who's the other color is like landing your piece on your opponent's in backgammon (black/white has been used in that context back in season 1). In the game it sends them back to the beginning of the board, on the island it sends them back to the

At least 50% of the songs on Mellon Collie did not need to be on that album. Should have kept the best tracks and made it a single LP, they could have easily released the crappy ones on a separate B-sides album.

Boondock Saints
First time I saw that movie in college, I thought it was awesome. I tried watching it again about a year ago and now it's up there with Broken Arrow and Minority Report as one of the shitiest movies I've ever seen.

best game of all time

This episode was terrible. But it did make me wonder who is more desperate, NBC or Christian Slater?

@Leaving Las Whatever
OK, you're right, it's clearly impossible that Sarah Goldfarb would be taken to an ER, likely by paramedics when the TV studio receptionist called them (not wandered in like you suggested), and that same ER would be part of a hospital that happened to have an adult in-patient psych ward. Simply

Never bothered to see Erin Brockovitch, but for the last 8 years or so whenever Requiem comes up in conversation I always bring up the fact that Ellen Burstyn had to be robbed by not getting an Oscar. I figured it was one of those, "Julia's been in a bunch of popular movies playing the same character that everyone

So good to see that the writers and cast are just having fun, not taking the show too seriously.

"That's not a knife, it's a spoon."

Agreed, I was slightly ticked at the slight of hand from the season premiere when they implied the mother was in his class only to then find out Ted was in the wrong room. On principle, I don't mind as long as there are entertaining episodes but this week's was one of the worst I can ever remember. I'm thinking the

Also, he must have thought the name of the casio was "Buffalo, New York" not "New York, NewYork".

Penelope is funny enough to reuse it a few times. Most of the other recurring characters, not so much. As an aside though, I've loved the scared straight sketches every time I've seen one - last night was no exception. That being said, SNL, please do not run it into the ground.

agreed on the Gerald Ford's death sketch, and if not, he most certainly gets a pass for the "White Supremacists from Maine" sketches on the short lived Dana Carvey show.

Now I'm thinking Ted will probably continue to be the sane, single guy around two "wacky" couples until they start to run out of ideas and the ratings are slightly affected. Then they'll use a final season to throw together the mother angle.

personally, I'm most disappointed at the fact that the camera cuts away and does a close up of the puppets when he's talking in their voices. The guy's a venriloquist which, say what you will, takes talent. But the fact that they cut away from his face when they edit the show leads me to believe he's moving his lips