
Warning and Kid A came out the same day, so I bought them and I came home and it was like Kid A blew my fucking mind and then I had this fairly catchy pop album to lisen to and then I stuck it on the shelf for seven or eight years. But fastforward to now and damned if I can think of a better, sweeter, less pretentious

What, no Deathspell Omega?

"Bendin' in the Wind" or "Roswell that Ends Well"

I heard that Rush pinned the girl from behind while Beck did the deed. Not that I'm suggesting that this actually happened, but if it did then Rush was definitely an accessory. And he hasn't denied it, so you never know.

Can Mike Myers cohost? I promise he won't say anything.

…and that little boy that nobody liked grew up to be… Karatloz.

The blind man and his dog.

Pizza dude's got thirty seconds.

Ebert also believes that World War II was the cause of World War I.

This was…
…one of my best friend in high school's favorite movies. Right behind Ridley Scott's Hannibal, I believe. He hated Excalibur, of course. I wonder why we don't talk any more? I mean, aside from when I wrote up a suicide note, signed his name to it, and left it in the library, causing the cops to confront his

Death Race 2000 is easily one of the ten greatest movies ever made.

"Jazz-Negro Frog Band" will be the name of my next musical project.

Indeed, the Beach Boys' first record came out nearly a year before the Beatles' and, as most of the B Boys were family, they had almost certainly been playing together longer.

The Ramones definitely don't belong there. They were good.

But Ray Davies's voice and songwriting is often as punk as anybody's.

Kurt was really more like Paul than John. Grohl is a perfect Ringo, though: a combination of goofily likeable and absolutely pathetic.

Sad that the Eagles are a great choice under these conditions.

Maybe the comically mismatched couple could be barefoot the whole time?

And the next thing you know…