So Keith Phipps looks like a complete fucking douchebag?
So Keith Phipps looks like a complete fucking douchebag?
Nice interpretation… if only the Maestro had lasted longer on the show maybe we could have seen some of this actually get fleshed out in an episode.
You women's libbers really know how to party…
Buffy's boytoys are almost always bland… and that includes Riley and Angel in the first season and a half. Thankfully Angel became more interesting, but it's easy to see why fans attached themselves so readily to Sp… well, you know who.
That is rather creepy, Jessica… but do you think that Miss Calendar is sort of like the grown-up version of Willow?
The future belongs to the analog loyalists. Fuck digital.
It's "prool." I've never heard the x pronounced; I assume it's an affectation.
Why Cindy, your Sunday chapel dress!
911 is a joke.
"The Pack" at least sets up the wonderfully uncomfortable scene between Xander and Larry in the season 2 werewolf episode.
Who agrees with me that SMG was actually the least hot woman on Buffy? Except maybe for Amber Benson… some people like her…
Hmmm, makes sense in theory…
If he had stolen just a little bit less money, I could see her ass right now!
"Which Capitalistic pig comics character has the worst environmental and human rights sweat shop record?"
There's still hope, there's still hope…
TMNTs for the win, indeed.
Cable's only iconic because he was so boring that anyone could imitate him. I'm pretty sure my mom knows who Spawn is. Maybe I'll call and ask. I'll bet he's the only one though.
Yes, that was a poor decision, man. You know those are going to disappear or be ruined at some point. Unless you have hundreds of $ to throw away on mega-sized Omnibuses at $100 a pop, in which case that's fine with me.
I still say a really creepy cover of "1999" is in order. Maybe they could get Prince to do "Climbing Up the Walls."