
Like the doctor from the boat, Jin will return to the island several hours before it disappears.

I even love Negative Horse. Have a carrot, boy!

A new SYR! Poor Ted Hughes, though: when's he gonna stop getting shit?

"My God! The Rex and the Raptors are working together! And one of them has an Uzi!!"

Just bought it on DVD for 4 bucks!

Hmm, guess you're right. That one shot is definitely fucked up, HOWEVER the rest of the sequence at least makes sense.

So, is, uh, Dave Foley dressed as a strangely attractive woman during his, uh, big scene?

I like The Terminal fine except for the ending. I actually think it took some balls to make a Capra film post-9/11. But, like Karatloz, i wouldn't particularly want to watch it again.

Thank you for that, Martian Judge.

For the record, Saving Private Ryan is a prequel to Full Metal Jacket. They certainly are structured the same: an astounding opening 40 minutes followed by a whole lot of meh.

Catch Me if You Can marks the last time that DiCaprio was well-cast in a movie. And it's a lot of fun - anyone who doesn't agree with that is an asshole, far as I'm concerned.

If he didn't want people to assume they were aliens he shouldn't have made them look like aliens. 'Nuff said.

The Fight Club I saw was terrible. You could feel the IQs of everyone in the room plunging.

I think it's a tribute to Scarlett's lack of talent that the only praise I (or anyone) can level on her is that she is hot. If she doesn't want to be treated like an object then she can stop acting like one.

It's too complicated, dude: you'll have to watch this whole season. Lucky for you it's short.

I didn't do it
Basically, they DID do this story once with Bart, right? Just with a different angle. One writer probably reminded another than Bart had become a celebrity on Krusty's show once about 15 years ago, so they changed it to Lisa.

The Birds

No, I agree with PEHNAMBLA. Typos are one thing, but when you don't even know the NAME of the person you are attacking, then how is it possible for us to take your opinion seriously? It suuggests that you have provided us with a RANT, not an argument, and that very little thought was put into this. It suggests that