Beatrix Kiddo 9000

If you have any other questions about La La Land, lemme know

Moonlight is by far my favorite of the year so far. La La Land is a lovely, lovely movie. So well made. Damien Chazelle definitely deserves recognition for his directing. He directs it almost like an extravagant theater production. Lights dim in the scene when a character breaks out into song. There's a scene where

JK Simmons, and Finn Wittrock are basically cameos. Rosemarie Dewitt is a glorified cameo.

La La Land is somewhat of circle jerk for Hollywood… but it's also super melancholy at times too.

10% of the movie. Significantish, but nothing cray cray.

I don't precisely know what happened on the Westworld finale, but I do know that it made me orgasm 700 times.

Donald Trump settled a lawsuit for 25 million dollars.

He also finished second place in the popular vote.

I'm too deep in denial and emotionally numb to be scared.

This episode was definitely a step down from the stellar first four, but it also felt like the show needed to take a step back so it could set up new arcs. Greg is gone, Josh and Rebecca are broken up and Paula starting law school. So, I'm interested to see where it goes from here. The "setting up the storyline"

A lot of Youtubers annoy me because they make so much money and most of them just aren't funny or entertaining.


I think Rebecca has a strong anxiety component to her issues, but I can't find any DSM diagnosis that fits her well at all that falls under anxiety. She definitely does some things that are consistent with hypomania (increased goal-directed activity, flight of ideas, involvement in activities that have potential for

I'm not a woman (and I'm sure some female commenters will share their actual experiences) but my friend in college wrote an entire article for our newspaper about period sex and how people shouldn't be afraid of it and that it can be enjoyable. The article ended by saying "Just go with the flow. Period."


The scene where Maeve frantically draws the man in the suit, only to discover she had drawn the same picture many times before was amazing. Thandie Netwon is so, so good on this show.

It was absolutely pointless. The reunion was filmed several weeks ago. So the winner was already decided then (because how do you film a reunion and not talk about who won?). That filming happened before Alaska's temper tantrum and Katya completely owning the fan vote.

Fuck. I forgot how great Danny Phantom was. I'm also realizing why that resonated so much with 13 year old me. BECAUSE I AM GAY. HOLY SHIT DIK I NEVER REALIZED WHY THAT SHOW SPOKE TO ME SO MUCH.

Hi, my name is Beatrix Kiddo 9000 and I would like to endorse "The Mystery Files of Shelby Woo" as the most significant show Nickelodeon has ever produced. Thank you for your time.

Good things, I hope? I'll even take somewhat mediocre things. I'm that desperate.