Beatrix Kiddo 9000

Update: Realized he is 59… a little out of my age range.


This week on messages Beatrix Kiddo 9000 receives on his OKCupid account:


Oh the top four lip sync for your life bullshit. It's so crowded. No viewer can really gauge anything. It allows for literally anyone to be sent home. And that's what they do. The entire episode is always pointless because in the end, they send home the queen they always want to send home.

My personal vote would be for Kim Chi, but Bob is going to win. I just don't see it going any other way.

Well Mrs. Langdon Alger and I did get a very lucrative scholarship to the A.V. Club's Police Academy. Gotta put those skills to good use!

A little conflicted on this one. Conflicted in the sense that I loved it, but I wasn't super sold on Greg.

Fun fact. Peeing before and/or after sex has not been found to be associated at all with UTIs, based on epidemiological studies. It's a common thought but as far as I know there is no association.

Alright let's calm it down a bit. It was good, but it definitely doesn't dethrone Little Edie, Maggie Smith or hell even Sharon's Michelle Vissage (a personal favorite)

Once Hillary wins NY this will be all wrapped up.

I'm over Bernie Sanders at this point. Him demanding a last minute debate with Hillary Clinton in New York to me just reads as a last ditch effort to make her look bad. He has been campaigning way dirtier than I ever thought he would and I think it's because he has next to no chance of getting the nomination.

I can bring snacks!

I am not an adult because I have only not been in school for one year and during that year I lived with my parents so I'm basically 12.

Dyspareunia (the general medical term for pain during intercourse) is no fun. I actually just had my reproduction unit in school, and we talked about treating vaginismus by using your lubricated fingers as pseudo dilators. I don't know if that sounds less intimidating and scary. Therapy and sexual counseling is also

Excuse me, I am not a twink. I am a twunk (aka a fat twink) because my waist size is 29/30.

That's the best!

Fuck me!

Some people have complained that Kim Chi sucked in this challenge… but I can't deny it… I thought she was fucking hilarious. It was like, knowingly overacted, awful, but I could not stop laughing.

I think the C+ is warranted. The twist of Naysha coming back fell flat. It also had a strong stench of "this show isn't really a reality show it's mostly scripted. We wanted Laila to go home first, but she curb-stomped Naysha to the point that no amount of editing could save her. So, we brought Naysha back because