
I thought Pierce's timeline was really compelling, if a little ship-y. Toy and Britta bond, as do Jeff and Annie, but it doesn't have the real troublemaking elements like the kiss or the troll doll. And I thought it was hilarious how it went from the timeline where Shirley raged about the googly-eyes in the group to

You're forgetting that Shirley has turned into an alcoholic, again. I suggest that she drops out because she can't deal with her classes and survivor's guilt (she was sprayed with Pierce's blood!) while drunk. Andre leaves again, and this time he takes the kids. Also, I think that Annie tied a tourniquet on Jeff's

I heard sort of an electric sizzle sound when Troy put the gun back in Annie's purse. Does anybody think that she also has a taser in there? Because if she does, there's hardly enough room for anything else.

It seemed pretty realistic to me, especially with a character like Britta, who tries to be more serious than she really is, but has a flair for the dramatic. (Remember her cage and doll suit from last week?). But what really brought it home for me during the Troy timeline was her

When I saw this headline, the first thing I thought was, "Damn you, Fox! You're not content destroying the good shows on your own network, you must kill off future classics on other networks?!" However, I look forward to the many digs at AI that will no doubt start appearing on Community. Especially with the

Don't worry silly buns, you are forgiven. Now let's have a smile for an old engine driver!

I don't know, Weekend at Bernies. I thought it was very reminiscent of Janet Leigh in Psycho when they killed off Franz Ferdinand at the beginning of WW1. It's still really shocking. And while WW2 definitely benefited from the larger budget and bigger cast, the beginning was so slow and plodding. I much prefer the