Crusader for Moorish Dignity

Will also echo that their "Farewell For Now" tour had a much weirder vibe, chemistry-wise, than previous shows. Felt like they were collectively going through the motions for the first 45 minutes or so before finally deciding "I guess we'd better put some effort into it" and absolutely slaying the second half of the

1,039 comments and NO love for the "Life in a Northern Town" trampoline scene from "Wings of The Dope"? If you want to know why KOTH could only always ever be an animated show, the image of Buckley and his tiny angel wings gently descending back to the trampoline (or doing a backflip) as Luann hops up and down in glee

Bill, clutching and mourning his ruined stars-and-stripes: "What kind of an animal would do such a thing … [ sobs] … a bear?!?" (I have never laughed so hard at my TV in my entire life.)

Man, not an even an "also receiving votes" nod for Allo Darlin's Europe? Sad—that was the most consistent, the most fun, the most enjoyably lyrically specific album of the year. IMHO.

Man, not an even an "also receiving votes" nod for Allo Darlin's Europe? Sad—that was the most consistent, the most fun, the most enjoyably lyrically specific album of the year. IMHO.

Young boys, young girls ain't supposed to die on a Saturday night, no they ain't supposed to die on a Saturday night.

Young boys, young girls ain't supposed to die on a Saturday night, no they ain't supposed to die on a Saturday night.

It should be pointed out the covers are as straight-forward as covers get. It's Gaslight Anthem performing great Nirvana and Tom Petty songs, that's it, the end. But yeah, "Blue Dahlia" is essential.

It should be pointed out the covers are as straight-forward as covers get. It's Gaslight Anthem performing great Nirvana and Tom Petty songs, that's it, the end. But yeah, "Blue Dahlia" is essential.

Well, no question it's what they were going for, and at least sonically, it's a good thing. But by the time we've already gotten through "Here Comes My Man," "Mulholland Drive," and "Keepsake," it's hard for me to stay tuned in for five more minutes of "Too Much Blood." And after 124 seconds of "Howl", we go right

Well, no question it's what they were going for, and at least sonically, it's a good thing. But by the time we've already gotten through "Here Comes My Man," "Mulholland Drive," and "Keepsake," it's hard for me to stay tuned in for five more minutes of "Too Much Blood." And after 124 seconds of "Howl", we go right

"Too sedate" would be my problem as well. I think "45" is my favorite song of the year and Fallon's best since The '59 Sound, but from there there's only one real up-tempo shitkicker ("Howl") in the remaining 11 tracks, and even "Howl" seems too slight to carry the punch of, say, "Boxer" or "Great Expectations."

"Too sedate" would be my problem as well. I think "45" is my favorite song of the year and Fallon's best since The '59 Sound, but from there there's only one real up-tempo shitkicker ("Howl") in the remaining 11 tracks, and even "Howl" seems too slight to carry the punch of, say, "Boxer" or "Great Expectations."

I remembered him for the routines before his elimination—he'd wound up with Comfort (had to double-check, it was after Comfort's first partner was eliminated) and they did a NapTab hip-hop number he couldn't keep up with and then a contemporary number (a sort of abstract, flowy routine with lots of slow-burn lifts

I remembered him for the routines before his elimination—he'd wound up with Comfort (had to double-check, it was after Comfort's first partner was eliminated) and they did a NapTab hip-hop number he couldn't keep up with and then a contemporary number (a sort of abstract, flowy routine with lots of slow-burn lifts

Listen, man: you've posted the exact same complaints about this season in every single Parks thread on this site for weeks. All the (few) people who you might convince of S4's mediocrity have long since been convinced. All the people who you can't (many, many, many) are going to be irritated at reading the same thing

Listen, man: you've posted the exact same complaints about this season in every single Parks thread on this site for weeks. All the (few) people who you might convince of S4's mediocrity have long since been convinced. All the people who you can't (many, many, many) are going to be irritated at reading the same thing

Bingo. But since that's where Coke's from, I think the South is forgiven.

Bingo. But since that's where Coke's from, I think the South is forgiven.

This this this. The issue isn't Ann and Tom as a concept, for the reasons Schur explains—the issue is that all season long, Tom was written as such a completely insufferable douchetard that it's impossible to see an intelligent, self-respecting character like Ann spending any more than one or two dates on him. Tom's