Biff Usually

All her songs are so processed I could be singing them and no one would know.

That's just it. She's got some of the best producers and songwriters behind her. It doesn't make a bit of difference who is singing the songs. I

The only thing I remember about his shitty fucking band is how much it sucked and how it helped drive me away from listening to the radio.

Secret success?
You call it a secret success, but your description of it is totally unenticing.

Lin Carter
The only Lin Carter I have read is Jandar of Callisto. This book was enough to satisfy my lifetime need for his writing.

coupla things
First, does anyone else see the head on the left as being tilted ever-so-slightly more than the head on the right?

let me see if i understand this correctly
Everything is a setup except the guy actually on the date with the girl? And he gets loads of advice on how to handle "gamekillers"? And cameras are following them around? But the guy doesn't know that it's a setup.

Sorry for that OT post, I forgot the topic was Various Religions and Their Merits.

Starship troopers
Yeah, you always send unsupported infantry up against armor. And when your ships are being targeted by long range artillery, you bunch them up.

I rented curb your enthusiasm from netflix
And I didn't laugh a single time. I cringed a lot though.

lip synching
Janet Jackson justifies her lip synching by saying something along the lines of Do you want to listen to me pant? Because she is dancing, you know? Exerting herslef.

while my question was
Snarky and condescending, I still would like an answer, assuming anyone who posts here knows:

desperate housewives
I don't watch TV, and I wouldn't watch this show even if I did, but, I am a tad curious:

The book
I saw this movie solely because I had read the book about 20 years earlier. I expected it to suck, so it was able to barely exceed my expectations.

I wear a ponytail in 2007
But I could give a fuck about fashion.

I am very old
I remember when MTV played music videos.