
@ Arsenio Billingham…yeah, I was being a rambling idiot wasn't I? And a prick.

I earnestly apologize for my vulgarities…but "Rescue Dawn" has offended me since it was released. I do like the A.V. Club. And I'm sorry I was vandalistic enough to post such angerish posts. But what Herzog's laziness caused in Rescue Dawn was inexcusable. That's it.

Mr. Gene DeBruin, Mr. Tobias was too busy giving Mr. Herzog a great interview he neglected to mention the fact that Herzog decided to absolutely shit on your legacy…because Mr. Herzog has made some great films, Mr. Tobias pretty much decided it was more politically convenient to discuss Katrina and not the fact that

Great job, AV Club.
Way to call out Herzog on the abortion of a man's reputation that was "Rescue Dawn". Apparently, Mr. Tobias was in full blowjob mode when he conducted this interview. The A.V. Club is seriously the greatest giver of THE most ass-kissing, blow-job giving reviews of a "cultural" website I've ever

Again, to echo every legit criticism on this board…what about HALO???? And Mario Galaxy, by far. The "15 best videogames list" is indicative that The AV Club doesn't delve so deep in the videogame field. This list needed to be the best of 50, at least. Fail, I'm afraid.

Although I would've swapped Fallout with Bioshock, I like this list a lot. But no Call of Duty? What gives?

Al Gore is the biggest hypocrite and every appearance he made on NBC this week made me cringe. People, the man has actually caused HARM to the environment. And NBC would host an environmental Jesus if it was Carrot Top to boost their ratings at this point.

Al Gore did fall flat, he could've made a legit stand against Climate Change, but instead of addressing the immense amount of criticism to his cause, he repeated a lame joke and ran off. The earth deserved better than that.

The end of an era. That I had absolutely no part of.

@ Beast Rabin…well done. And not to discredit your brilliance, but I once knew a guy who made that same joke…and it never got tired.

I think it would be cozy, and I definitely like the privacy, and not for any reasons you're thinking of.

Comcast had this ep titled just "Murder". Funny.

Second, too. Bring it, fucks.

My first first!

You're more than welcome. These boards can be very pleasant when people stay calm and collected like President Obama.

I did, but I'm glad they didn't, since I haven't seen Sons of Anarchy.

now. You now what I meant.

This didn't do a whole lot for me, either. Everything done here was done better elsewhere in the series, and the series is dead to me after that ending. This effectively neutered the Cylon threat for me, re-watching the series now will no longer make me think the humans are in as dire a shape. And I agree

I am a Coloradoan, and I like my South Park, always have. And I, like most of my classmates growing up, used those derogatory terms well before I knew what homosexuality was. And I'll further admit, when I first learned of it, the thought of two dudes tongue jousting kind of bummed me out a little. But now, I

Zohan was hilarious until Mariah Carey and Dave Matthews showed up.