The Ghost of Dai Vernon

My problem with "Open House" was that it covered no new ground in terms of characterization. Nothing advanced. And wasn't that the episode where Jesse's crazy crackhouse started? Yeah, that was over the top. And not the good kind of over the top.

Human Centipede III (Flying Train)

are you really not picking up on the humor here? seriously?

Give the guy a break. He just wanted everyone to see how clever he was!

Anderson as in Paul Thomas?

Careful with your references. The haul of newcomers from after the Great Comments Shift of '11 will not understand the true depth of a Biastioc, or a Leonard Pierce. 

wall-e's not a children's story.

yes, absolutely. although eternal sunshine has an edge because it doesn't have shelley duvall in it.

Oh man. Eternal Sunshine is my favorite movie of all time. It just captures so well that heartbreaking Annie Hall, we-need-the-eggs sentiment. Plus, it's just goddamn good.

Agreed. They covered "Emerald" for Christ's Sake.

Yeah, Crack the Skye fucking rocked. It was just Different, get over it. I'm not sure how someone could listen to a song like "The Last Baron" and not be impressed by the sheer genius of these guys.


Man, I'll never forget hearing "Mercy Seat" for the first time. One of the most intense songs ever recorded.

Are you Martin Starr with a mustache? 

"Dear God, thank you for Ziggy comics, little baby ducks and Sweating to the Oldies volumes One, Two and Four."

That was such a perfect choice of Disappointing Car. Seriously. A PT Cruiser may be, like, in my top three of least desired cars imaginable. 

Maher and Colbert/Stewart are apples and oranges.

well thanks for that tip. i had no idea.


Starring Ryan Gosling.