Avery Jessup

Arthur is great…my whole family watches it regularly and the youngest one of us is eight years old.

Lemme say it: I read Pitchfork. I'm a fan of it on Facebook, or whatever. It's cool. Not amazing.

It's hipsters having children who aren't old enough to inherit their elitism but old enough to inherit their irony.

I was a kid when it came out on DVD and I watched it three times in one day. I still enjoy it a lot. Weird that Hathaway left…I probably won't see this. Sequels to kids movies are usually even worse than sequels to regular movies.

I'm still going to refer to him as "the guy who looks like Ed Helms, except isn't"

I don't want to think I'm completely in my own world here, but MPP was seemed like one of the most important albums of the past few years, so it's not unreasonable to expect at least a mention as something also happening in 2009. Sorry I offended your sensibilities. (#notreally)

Right, trilobiter; I would say that the American sixties and seventies were pretty damn sexy. But that's not really history per se. The Old West as you mentioned would probably be a better example.

Stupid people.
That's not racist; trust me, I probably know more white people that black people who think Madea is LYK SO HULARIOUS.
Of course, I live in a Connecticut suburb, so the phrase "I probably know more white people that black people who…" can be applied to just about anything.

@Yeah OK: I will mention it.

I'm still going to fight valiantly to defend giving AD the title, though. I mean, yes, it was cancelled, but that's not really an arbiter of quality (where's Firefly?). Besides, its cancellation allowed for it to really have no bad episodes, and you can't say Seinfeld didn't have at least a few bad eps. Granted,

Can we all agree that Martin Freeman should be used way more?
I hardly ever see him in a new movie and apart from Sherlock, he seems to not be getting much work. But he's so….great. Is there like some reason for this? Other than just, he's English?

God damn
I love Aziz Ansari.

Everybody Hates Chris can suck my dick, but Rock does great standup (obviously) and is probably the most likeable of the group, which I at least think counts for something.

The greatest sitcom of all time? How is this not being contested among the biggest group of Arrested Development fanboys on the internet?

this will lead to me actually going to the movies once this year.

Wow, is that what it's called? I always thought it was just "other shows."

I take it back. I fucking hate this gimmick.

Wow, I like this new gimmick already.

Ha, for real? That's some karma shit right there.

right before Modern Family….
…I caught the end half of an episode of Better With You, which, especially on the part of that cute redhead girl, was actually pretty solid. Anybody else here watch it lately?