Avery Jessup

I want to read this now. Is it really that good as Sean makes it sound?

The road to racist-gerbil-dom starts here, pony. We've all been warned.

I agree with your post OP, but Funeral to me is so great it makes me love them despite not loving everything they've done since. I think it's the best album of the decade.

Une Annee Sans Lumiere
Ready to Start
(I think….)

I listen to "Lost in the World" at least once every two weeks.

I love Joe Biden.

I've been fond of saying that screenwriters have pretty much no point to live and have ever since 1976 (?) because this one is the pinnacle of screenwriting, period. And so far no movie I've seen sports a better one, at least in my opinion.

I actually thought that the execution was better than the idea. The gods thing seemed a little obvious and "well that's clever, don't know if you'll be able to make an epic scifi out of it though" and he really really did. There's so many fantastic smaller characters, twists, bla bla that really illustrate just how

is it really starring Kristen Stewart? Um, what the fuck?

In a word: no.

Especially when Todd VDW writes some of the most insightful stuff on the site about Community and the "other shows" (in which I read every article), Nabin just looks depressing. Especially since it shouldn't be that hard to write a good article about one of the best shows on TV.

Jon Stewart: "Connecticut is the place you drive through on your way to an actual state.

A good movie this week?

holy shit, that's Buttercup!
But…she looks so sad…

This looks good. Better than a B-.

Actually, 3OH!3 had a song (album?) out this past year called "Touchin On My." That's not a joke, either.

I love that movie. But I'm a girl, and Jim Sturgess, and yeah.

My mom's mom works at a library and sorts through the donations which she can keep for free whenever she wants…they just throw away VHSes so recently she brought over about 200 for us to sort through. Some highlights: The Graduate, Bullets Over Broadway (what a weird movie, btw), Casablanca, Little Women, Rebecca,

And qualifying it with an opinion stolen from Jon Stewart.

Really? OK fucking Go before Neil Gaiman? Sorry to rag on your personal preferences, but that's fuckin ridiculous.