Avery Jessup

I like that saying you're comfortable with your sexuality now means you're closeted, ie uncomfortable with your sexuality.

They got the idea from SeinfeldVision. (tried to get the name but it was copyrighted. Too bad.)

She's too old to be doing that for a promo shot, at least.

That old lady straddling a chair is the most disturbing thing I've seen today.

Ha. (BTW Romeo and Juliet actually wasn't a story made up by Shakespeare; it was kind of a well-known plot at the time. So your point is even more valid.)

I know she's 14 in, yknow, the play, but it's 2011 and they do have sex…I don't know, I'm weirded out. But I have faith that it will be shitty and she will be great despite its shittiness.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA how the fuck do you people know that he's an ER doctor in a small town or that his kids are psychic? My faith in true snark is diminishing as we speak.

was that a riff on Flipping Out?
I used to watch that.

…Push presents? …but…why…

Why does this surprise you? First of all, they're college freshmen. Second of all, a lot of them probably went "oh yeah I have to do that stupid profile thing hmmm I remember thinking the Hangover was AWESOME I'll just put that, okay now I'm done." So.

I think the chalkboard also says "Bro Guys Killed." Uh…now I kind of want to watch Glenn Beck.

Of unicorns or of virgins?

YOU GUYS. IT'S LIL WAYNE. NOT LITTLE. Jesus Christ stop making yourselves older than you already are.
(Sorry. I'm in a bad mood today.) Also I adore "Black and Yellow" which is why I don't ever want to hear this album. He can stay a fuckin one-hit wonder forever, because it's such a great one-hit.

that song kicks fucking ass. no joke.

@Miller: yes. That is the correct answer.

WAIT…was this guy Josh of "Drake and" fame? I know the guy's real name is Josh and so everytime I see a young Josh in Hollywood I think it's him. Down an IMDB rabbithole I go….

There are people who don't think John Cusack is a deity? Color me offended.


I am both Jack Donaghy's wife, and a claymation hamburger that plays Van Halen songs.

Thank you. I do not think it's acceptable to go wayoverthetop with a marriage proposal. It's pretty emotionally overwhelming as it is, okay? Did you not watch the Office last week?