Avery Jessup

The gerbil never got old. Racist gerbil was only an improvement. Never got old. Ever.

Frozone kicks fucking ass.

I fourth that motion. Sean Penn rocks. (I loved Milk; anyone with me? It got some hate around here, I think.)

Is no one going to point out how blatantly they ripped off their name from Body of Evidence? A movie that basically has no respect in any circles other than boys less than high-school age?

WOW. I just…wow. That was possibly the most inane opening segment I've ever seen. It just…kept…going.

@Jerkoff: he fucking WAS. To reference another John Cusack vehicle, he was the only watchable part (other than JC's face) of Serendipity. Go on, shoot me. I liked him.

Did we just walk in a circle?

I 'borrowed' my eighth grade social studies teacher's copy of God Bless You Mr. Rosewater and never gave it back. Still one of my favorite books.

Mine was S5 too not because of English class but because I was an insecure 8th grader who wanted to feel cool, and also because Rob in High Fidelity (the novel) said he liked Vonnegut. Y' know.

In any Vonnegut discussion there's always going to be someone who throws out their favorite as not being mentioned - every novel is great in a different way and different people identify more with some than others. That said, Hocus Pocus is fantastic and in my top 5 KV novels.

I started with "Slaughterhouse Five" as well, and then went straight into Timequake, and I have to say I disagree with the assessment - it's almost a summing up of his career imo, and really enjoyable and accessible. Maybe not as a gateway, but I'd hardly say it doesn't stand on its own.

failed 64thsies

That's the one with Jason Schwartzman, right? Well, there's your reason.

(that's all, actually.)

Monk was formulaic but really well-written, acted, and made overall. Tony Shaloub is great and it had an amazing theme song too.

That is the response of every hipster who says "oh no! Real people hate this song too! What can I say about it that will make me superior!!"

That's great and I love him. Commenter out.

"I think Ziggy Stardust and American Idiot will be regarded the same way" is one of the stupidest things I've heard this week. Ziggy Stardust is one of the most fantastic albums of all time. American Idiot is a very good record by a very unimportant band that riles themselves up unnecessarily. Shut up.

You know what I had in eighth grade? The Black Eyed Peas song where he repeats one auto-tuned line over and over again for the first two minutes. Good times.

I feel like "Macchu Picchu" might be the best song they've done since "Reptilia" or "12:51."