
This makes brain-teasers easy to bypass, but those looking for challenges can insist on finding more elegant solutions.

This reminds me of Lemmings.

Because Nintendo doesn't think the F Zero games sell well enough.

Who Liked this spam?
(Yes, I can click on the link to find out specifically who. That's not the point of the question.)

Remake? Wipeout HD/Fury is quite good already.

Dear Microsoft:

In this specific case, I disagree, since the game was released on the PS1 in the US as Final Fantasy 6.

One year is probably being very generous. It seems like the timeframe is more like three weeks, if shorter.

Just Defense is not a good response to Parry.


Something the review could have brought up is that supposedly the netcode for this isn't awful (or at least give assessment as to its quality), which is important to divulge since (1) that is the primary thing anyone who plays fighting games now cares about and (2) previous SNK fighters on PS3/360 were rendered


Yes, there would have to be some liberties taken so that the track design is interesting enough.

I still want Ray: The Game to come out.

See, here's what I don't get. Why is it so difficult to make a good racing game which is set on existing roads and highways rather than specific racing tracks.

>I've never understood why graphics are really a concern.
Because they are video games.

Nintendo hasn't kept up this generation. Galaxy looks great and all but it's still visibly behind in technological aspects compared to Crysis and the like.

>Nintendo is just a game company. Sony and Microsoft is a lot more than that, so they can afford to pump money into expensive hardware and the more expensive development of games to that hardware. Nintendo just can't.

>Zelda … literally invented dungeoncrawling