
Something felt off about the Eolith games. I didn't find them completely appalling, but by the time they came around to where I could play them, I had already moved on from fighting games so it's not like I encountered some aspect of a new system that offended me.

I had OK competition, and we took the games as seriously as we could when they were new.

I have KOF96, 98, and 2000 on Neo Geo AES, so I'd like to think that I've seen the majority of depth within the series, or at least that particular era of the series.

"Effort takes money and this game will sell millions regardless, so why bother. Let's go boys, that sake won't drink itself."

Put a link to your website in your profile.

I will not watch Adventure Time for no other reason than that it looks like the protagonist wears a diaper as a hat.

It's exceedingly difficult to discern sarcasm from text.
We're also talking about a Nintendo game here, and a Mario game at that. There are assuredly thousands of people who are thinking exactly what you wrote without any element of sarcasm behind it.

Within 50 minutes you went from "I am going to buy a piece of proprietary videogame hardware to play a single game" to "This game doesn't feature trivial elements of some other game in the same series that came out 20 years ago so I might not buy it"?

I played the game to completion several times as a child and didn't realize it was so thoroughly loathed by other people until years afterward.
The trick I employed was to not defeat any of the castle bosses until you were ready to finish the game. Once you have your 3 categories maxed out at level 8, the automatic

You are the only person I know who actually puts the periods in the SNK acronym.

The SeaWorld / 13th Amendment spat was far more ludicrous.

I'd rather have a film adaptation of Gals Panic S2.

It wasn't just some areas - it was California which had a different color and required a revisit.

1) Rampage World Tour. There is an N64 port of the arcade game called Rampage World Tour.

NES Bubble Bobble would let you continue indefinitely, without any special input.


But Atari was an American company…

>As an arcade game, it was the most advanced game in… 1987 or 88 i guess.
Rampage was released in 1986, and it was far from the most advanced game in arcades at 1986. Dragon's Lair, I Robot, and Space Harrier did things leagues beyond what Rampage had.

It is neither.

It is neither.