
No sarcasm
"Most of the tracks aren't, either."

Taeko Miratsu.

much less

For every kind of naysayer there's a direction games are going in which they decry.

Kill yourself.

I know how important reviews are, I just wish that reviewers knew it too.

And if he didn't, there'd be people just as quick to write off all of his criticism on the account that he didn't buy the game so clearly he has no idea what he's talking about.

The meta is 77, but some gave it 100 and others 40.

Metacritic discussion is as depressing as it is pointless.

Let's see what's coming for the Wii this month -

So funny it needed to be posted twice.

Careful - some might call you a racist for having that opinion in these parts ;)

there's NO way any wii game has ps one era graphics.

[Sentence questioning your sexuality]

Well, that's a convincing argument.

I still think that the best racing games are the scrappy little go-cart games.

I really dislike posting from IE. No spell checker like in Opera.

Furthermore, I didn't say that I think FPSes deserve more criticism because I think they are cliched. That is dissimilar to me saying "there is so little which makes one given FPS different from any other". A FPS is going to play like a FPS. Same for music games, fighters, RPGs, arcade shooters, and any other genre.

Some people get [house] music, and enjoy it, those that tend to dislike it always note that they went to the club and "it was all The Same God Damned Thing every time".