
DW6 just came out in Japan last week. I wonder if it's good. Yes, I've played and owned several of other games in the series.

Chekhov is going to be pissed.

Odin Sphere would have been much better if they would have at least changed it so that items made through chemistry did not fucking drop to the ground and had to be picked up after the synthesis. I didn't have much of a problem with the game's combat because I knew what to expect from having played Princess Crown

I wonder if there's some Japanese pun in that code which I'm missing.

Being inline with Metacritic is not something to trumpet.

I believe I've said before that Games is ripe to have a Gateway To Geekery recurring column. Pick a new genre every month.

3DS will have regional lock out.

I think if they were to review it, they'd give highest praise for its irreverent attitude towards the genre and gaming in general, but then dock it for being yet another FPS when one can already play FPSes X, Y, and Z, all of which have better multiplayer options or whatever.

Flight reminds me of a game called Glider that I played on some Mac machine at an Egghead Software in downtown Chicago some, what, 15 years ago now? I thought that seemed neat, and wondered why nothing more ever came of it.

Are you saying the B grade is too high or too low?

I never understood the logic behind introducing brand-new characters into a crossover fighting game.

The handhelds succeed in Japan because everyone lives in a shoebox which gives them no room for a HDTV, and because everyone has 4-hour one way commutes on trains to go to school or work.

What I mainly feel is that handhelds hold video games back. Three points -

The entire RE series sucks so it's not like RE2 is actually worse than RE1.

I'm not joking at all.

It didn't feel like it to me :/

The entire structure, rigid and unimaginative as it is, fundamentally follows the common flow of any review.

Today I get to be "that guy"
While I share in praise of BCR I must take issue with this -

I wouldn't worry about it too much, whataworkout.

*Iwata laughs*