
2005 - 2011
I'd put the starting date at least at 1997 (I think there's more of Beatmania which is analogous to these games than Parappa) and it isn't dead yet.

Reading sheet music is not the same thing as playing Simon Says.

Dead Space 2 is proof that graphics really are all that matter to most gamers now.
What do you mean by "now". Graphic whoredom isn't something new.

the developer Visceral Games talks about how falling from 90 to 89 impacted negatively the sales of Dead Space 1

Wouldn't a game of the most modest of ambitions, that realizes those modest ambitions perfectly … be, in theory, eligible for 40/40?
Sure, if that's the standard you set. But then that instantly makes me question what isn't worth 40/40.

One way you can assuredly make me completely disinterested in your criticism of AVClub's reviews is how you perceive their impact on aggregators. I find it difficult to think of something of less consequence. The only thing which metacritic sites prove is how tightly the hive-mind is in lockstep.

If this was 1998 I would have had that preordered and in a system right now.

Think back to 8th Grade. This might have been you or someone in your class. Do you remember the person who made crappy drawings of ninjas battling soldiers on the back of a Trapper Keeper while ignoring the teacher?

I'd rather import Gal Gun.

Nobody else asked this?
Why is this news item categorized under Games on this site?

The problem with LBP isn't that you have to create stages worth playing.

Why bother spending the time and money to make a PS3 game when you can just phone it in for the DS and get just as much sales?

It's improper to address the quality of IGN's reviews at large. They have hired some very knowledgeable people to write articles about obscure topics and thus shouldn't be lumped together with the other people who write reviews for the contemporary systems. IGN's reviews of niche or non-AAA games are usually terrible.

Just post them here.

The FPS is America's genre, man.

The good people who have hacked the arcade IIDX HDDs have also recently discovered previously unknown Display Types in some of the more recent games (Sirius, RA) which allow the games to actually be playable on screens which aren't "lagless" plasmas or CRTs.

Look into "Lunatic Rave 2", among other programs.

My saying I won't play it enough to get to the point where I'm making a similar gripe about the scoring system is more reflective of what I predict as the amount of free time I'll actually have to dedicate to playing the game.

Oh I like it fine, but I've only read a small amount of general griping about the scoring system and what I can glean is that the game basically enforces a "chain the entire stage or fuck yourself" methodology. One person who I speak with places it worse than Viper Phase One, which says a lot.

If I'm not allowed to call Black Ops or Deus Ex a retread of Wolfenstein 3D (which I'm not), then you're not allowed to call Espgaluda 2 a retread of Spacewar.