
I've spent more hours playing Beatmania IIDX and IIDX sim files than all other games I've played in 2010 combined.

Minecraft counts neither as last year or this year, because the game is not officially released yet. As of right now it is still in Beta.

Our Cumulative Game Purchases Of 2010, for myself or by the wife for either of us -

For the past three years my mother in law has been unemployed but has unfailingly played WOW every day in that entire period, not to mention the several years prior to her being fired from Wal Mart (but at least with being employed she could justify her spending her money as she desired). Some of the unemployment

Yes, because you have to experience suicide before you can decry it.

Friends don't let friends go to Neogaf.

The correct answer is Cave.

Tron Deadly Discs is much more playable using two controllers, too. I didn't know about that trick as a child.

Another thing which needs another decade or two is in-browser grammar checking so that statements like "has to says" don't get posted by me.

what about Kane & Lynch? Didn't that whole Gamespot thing have a commercial backlash?
If anything that whole Gerstmann fiasco just gave the game more free press. It changed Kane & Lynch from "3rd Person Action Game #876454136" to "That one game that got that one guy got fired because he wrote a shitty review about

Nothing like an average of lukewarm reviews to kill sales dead in the water.

Yeah, that head:body ratio is some Rob Liefeld type garbage there.

At least, no kart racer I've ever played conveyed the sense of speed and action in the same way that any Ridge Racer or Wipeout or even RC Pro Am ever did.

Kart racers are terrible. All of them.

Please restate that question in English.

Starland Vocal Band? They suck!

I thought Super Mario 64 was the Best Game Ever when I was a 15 year old dumbfuck. But even then, after I got 120 Stars I never played the game again. There's not much point in doing so.

XBLA RC Pro Am please.

A platformer is only as good as its controls. A B grade for a platformer with fundamental control issues is too high.

I bought my wife a 21UX the year before Intuos released the newer model. This after a good, what, five years that the 21UX was on the market unaltered? Thanks, pricks.