
The long-awaited third game of the series is coming to the 3DS, too.

If the current year is after 1994 and you're expecting Sega to make a good Sonic game, the joke is on you.

Honestly I'm not sure why every musician doesn't totally support these games - they thin the ranks of competition, don't they? One million Rock Band players are one million fewer people out there who would be vying to play at venues, trying to get recorded, and pollute the music industry with their amateur talent. The

This is awesome. I expect comments about my mother, but instead I get commentary about my whole family now.

You suck at life … … Goddamn, that's … Really really fucking sad, and seemingly a picture-perfect indictment of everything that's wrong with American society today, but honest.
Yep folks, you read that right - my inability to play a piano clearly means that I suck at life and it is a picture-perfect indictment of

I get it its a game, but the "game" is pretending to make art. Why not just make art and have something to show for your time?

Don't bother posting at gaf unless you intend to never post a dissenting opinion.

The only reason that I brought up the $250 SixString controller is because you're quoting the $300 price for the equivalent RB3 controller. The normal SixString controller does look very flimsy, which is to be expected for the price of the game. Honestly, the common person's cheapness is the biggest Achille's heel to

Sounds like SixString is a pretty accurate simulation, then.

A more valid comparison would be the $300 Squire to the $250 limited edition SixString controller.

Me? root@onelinetaxcode.com

The FPS genre has not evolved since Descent.

Radiant Silvergun is coming to XBLA. Let the collective masturbation and a second decade of unbridled, gushing, orgasmic praise commence.

To me, Symphony more felt like an expansion of Castlevania II in addition to other elements more so than a direct knock-off of some other game.

You name drop all of those Japanese composers and fail to mention Koichi Sugiyama? What a shame.

The quality of MadCatz hardware sucks, too.

He might be thinking of PowerGig.

Wife and I have elected to get an actual MIDI keyboard to play RB3 because the qualify of MadCatz hardware totally sucks.

Dante Might Die?
Ninja Theory still has a long way to go before it makes a game whose quality matches its ambitions
Well, this doesn't bode too well for the upcoming DMC remake.

"If it were possible that we had all the right facilities and the right environment to be able to make and prepare a Final Fantasy VII remake within a year, we'd very much like a go at it," Kitase said, with a very obvious "but" looming on the horizon. "But even Final Fantasy XIII has