
All I remember of Bangaio is playing the Dreamcast version and coming to a stage where you had to navigate the character down a vertical shaft which was interlaced with laser-beam generators. They were enclosed by the background detail which meant that they couldn't be destroyed while your position was above them.

My kingdom for the ability to edit posts. I meant "is" after the word Treasure in that last paragraph, not "isn't".

First, I do agree that AVClub game reviews are entirely too concerned with story. The backstory is fundamentally the very last reason why anyone will want to play any game. Anyone who is that concerned with story would much sooner (and be much better off) picking up a book or watching a movie.

Actually my post is more a continuation of the reaction I've had to the amount of crying about Metacritic from the new not-Tomb Raider game. Based on that, I have to assume that people actually care about what affect AVClub reviews have on aggregators.

Clearly, Scott Jones has total disregard for his reputation as a video game reviewer.

Tim Rogers could never make it as an AVClub game reviewer.

To have a reputation as being overly critical is far better than having no reputation at all, which is all I can basically say of the authors of those other 40 reviews without knowing anything else about them.

Hey let's have some more posts which complain about the effect this review has on metacritic.

Yeah that's actually what I had primarily in mind when I wrote that first comment.

The only thing that's a shame about metacritic calculations is that anyone actually cares about metacritic calculations.

Denials of what?

252 words divided into two paragraphs is a "gigantic post"?

Video game genres have the vaguest possible descriptions. Shooters, real time strategy games, role playing games (the worst, in what video game don't you 'role play'? Tetris I guess), wargames. Seriously, the only descriptive one is first person shooter. All the others could apply to nearly every video game in

Splatterhouse has been in development hell for years. There's basically 0% chance of it not sucking. It's a shame.

Tim Schafer is the video game salability kiss of death.

If you still drink soda, you owe it to yourself to try Rock & Rye at least once.

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Battle Circuit is a pretty nifty game and it's a shame that Capcom seems to have entirely forgotten that they have made it.

I have long held this as being the Worst Simpsons Episode in the entire run of the show. To refer to its plot as being antediluvian is almost being glib.