
All I remember of playing Tales of Symphonia is a broken record shouting "INFERIOR BEINGS! *skip* INFERIOR BEINGS! *skip* INFERIOR BEINGS! *skip*" for some fifty hours.

What's the deal with Ovaltine, people?

So, last time you called me a robot and this time you say I'm a sad case. Why are you getting so upset over this? By your making this post a second time in asking the same question its clear that you have some burning desire to resolve the issue - yet when I try to present evidence of how goofy names are largely both

Oh, it looks like there were things you said last time which I didn't reply to.

I was more intending that the loop could be continuously repeated.

I'm pretty sure that Konami still holds the Silent Hill IP, but with Yamaoka gone from the company it's just as well that no other Silent Hill game ever gets made.

Honestly, I think SOTN is as good as a 2D Castlevania is going to get (for that style of the game). If I had the knowhow and free time I'd hack the game to add in one main tweak - once the upside-down castle is finished, you have the ability to reset the map exploration rate to 0% and all the enemy's HP amounts (and

It's still the most current review at the moment so your post isn't totally obscured.

Well as far as how the combat works - yeah, if you want to reduce what buttons need to be pressed in order to successfully surpass the obstacles, then yes the combat is fundamentally that simple. I don't get how that's a detriment to the game, though, since Mashing The A Button To Win is basically how 90%+ of the the

3 - 5 are virtually identical as far as the general graphic presentation is concerned. Having spent so much time on both 3 and 4/5 I can tell the difference by looking at the default party characters in a given screen shot.

Was it really necessary to refer to the boats as being phallic?

Might & Magic 3 (Isles of Terra) is a game I liked quite a bit when I played it back in the early 90s when it was first released on PC. I finished the game and followed the end-game instructions to send in the score to the company. A few weeks later I received a commemorative letter with some other memorabilia in the

The main issue at heart here is that it's the specificity which invites debate and hair splitting. The sentence would have retained all its intended meaning simply by eliminating the word "NES".

Remember, kids - the only real way to show that you don't care is to not post.

Determining a game's worthiness on a simple hours-of-gameplay : price ratio is dangerous (and depressingly commonplace in many reviews done by IGN and their ilk). Every game which is free isn't automatically good. Every game also does have some sort of replay value to every player - even RPGs, which I can't imagine

Determining a game's worthiness on a simple hours-of-gameplay : price ratio is dangerous (and depressingly commonplace in many reviews done by IGN and their ilk). Every game which is free isn't automatically good. Every game also does have some sort of replay value to every player - even RPGs, which I can't imagine

What exactly is the grand singular vision behind, say, Mario?

re: TO update

I think the anomaly aspect of RS is the Saturn mode it has which allows people to grind the game, RPG style, in order to eventually plow through it. Grinding is something which needs to stay the living mother of fuck out of shooters. Meanwhile, as I stated a while back somewhere else here, If you play the Arcade