Vaunnies Mustardayonnaise

For the showrunner:

Walter may be more lucid in this reality as he didn't have the chunks taken out of his brain to…hide the location of the device?  I can't remember exactly why he did it.

I find that the fact that Quarles is incompetent, and entirely unhinged, makes him more of a threat in general.  He may not take over the rackets in Harlan, but he sure might shoot and kill someone (my money is on Ava) for no particularly good reason.

Arkin played a great villain in SOA, a White Supremacist messing with the order of things.

I thought they've already said Fassbender is a non-secret android.

I have the impression they're fighting over who is going to deal oxy, not meth, and there have been at least a few references to its impact, like the junkies robbing a check-cashing store in this episode.  Also the junkies playing Russian, sorry, Harlan roulette to get their pills, or the addicts lined up at Tanner's

J.D.'s Revenge?  Subpar Showtime series?  That, my friend, is Mayor Clarence Royce.

Tie between The River and Born to Run

I'm reading this review late after just finishing it, but I liked the Dwight Holly appearance as well.

Worth it to see Clooney ask, "Are you wheezy Joe?"  Also the initial courtroom scene with the wife on the stand describing a sexual contraption made out of a vacuum cleaner and the introduction of Heinz, the Baron Krauss von Espy.