
I'm hoping there's an episode where her sister comes to town and complicates things between her and colt. I'm hoping the sister is Eliza Coupe. I'm still hoping for that "Happy Endings" reunion episode.

They did a bang up job in Mecca last week.

I heard Harry Shearer saying something about it on "Le Show". Why is Saudi Arabia our ally? They're like the atrocity of the month country.

All right, give me back my fucking markers.

I swear, if Jesus hadn't risen three days later, he'd be spinning in his grave right now.

Sir, I have reread your joke severalteen times and still don't seem to get it. My remark was a reference to Mr. Jagger's bisexual dalliances. I'm still confused as to the source of your humor. Here, I've provided this poster-board and three different color markers, so that perhaps you can draw me a diagram that

I'm beginning to suspect the "Happy Endings" reunion episode is just not gonna happen.

Around these parts, come winter-time, I'm known as Edward Snow Fort. . .cuz I build a lot of them.

I think they used to date, period! Hey-oh!

I knew he was a great filmmaker, but now I'm just in awe of his stupidity.

Back in March I was staying up late, getting drunk after getting off work at one a.m. Somewhere around four-thirty I bought the streaming format of "Fight Club" from Amazon. I was pretty beered up but the picture quality did seem kinda shitty—especially shadowy and even splotchy. Still, VHS seems like just another

Please, Mr. Pants is my father's name.

It's kinda like one of those propositions you vote on, where voting "No" actually means "Yes".

Priest: How are feeling today, my child?
Little possessed girl: Better.
Priest: Better?
Little possessed girl: Better get a bucket, I'm gonna puke!

I really enjoyed "The Last Exorcism". I know it's not a part of this series, but I think it was the best movie involving demonic possession I've seen. It also also blows away all the found footage genre films.

Why not take another stab at Wicker Man?

These new episodes suck so bad they even ruin the old ones somehow.

Ajax was on an episode of "Seventh Heaven". He had a crush on the mom—the Seventh Heaven mom! Better he should stay handcuffed to that park bench.

Blabbity blah blah—"New season of Awkward"—blabbity blah blah. Cool, there's a new season os "Awkward".

Apparently she's still holding a grudge.