
Hey, Huey Lewis, I got some news for ya; ya suck!

Hey, Huey Lewis, I got some news for ya; ya suck!

Speaking of Kenny G(Somebody was)back in the 90's Mr. G was breaking the record for the longest note held on a horn. My lame-assed co-worker was so impressed he actually said, "That's really impressive!" I told him, "That's like Superman using his powers to be a really good bowler."

Speaking of Kenny G(Somebody was)back in the 90's Mr. G was breaking the record for the longest note held on a horn. My lame-assed co-worker was so impressed he actually said, "That's really impressive!" I told him, "That's like Superman using his powers to be a really good bowler."

J to the esus, H to the Christ!
This was vastly unpleasant and mostly not very nice!

J to the esus, H to the Christ!
This was vastly unpleasant and mostly not very nice!

If you have to have a riot. I guess this is the best kind to have.

If you have to have a riot. I guess this is the best kind to have.

Back 1990 or maybe even 1989 I actauall saw the Dead Milkmen open for Mojo Nixon in Chicago.  I think it was at the Vic, but it could have been the Aragon Ballroom.  Kids were thrashing and stage diving like crazy.  The bouncers started rushing out and hauling them away.  At one point one the bouncers bumped into Mojo

Back 1990 or maybe even 1989 I actauall saw the Dead Milkmen open for Mojo Nixon in Chicago.  I think it was at the Vic, but it could have been the Aragon Ballroom.  Kids were thrashing and stage diving like crazy.  The bouncers started rushing out and hauling them away.  At one point one the bouncers bumped into Mojo

I wonder if that black Hitler guy was some sort of slam against Michael Jordan and his asshole mustache.

I've been promising myself to stop watching so much tv and read "Warren Piece".

I couldn't figure out why the other Prius owner'swife kept attacking the car.  Couldn't she see that her husband wasn't in there?

I went to University  of Wisconsin—La Crosse back in the early eighties and "Paradise. . ." would just pack the dance floor for what seemed like forever.  Some nights I would hear it in more than one bar and it would cause a mob on every dance floor.  It always seemed so undanceable and pretty awful really. 

Don't they do parafin tests anymore?  It seemed to me that it should've been pretty easy to prove that guy didn't shoot the clerk.

I liked Brita's dance. I'm not even sure it has much to do with her being high or buzzed.  She's just kind of spazzy in that spazzy way hot women can get away with cuz no one wants to tell a hot chick she's spazzy.  Also the same kind of spazzy that would compel her to sing along with "Roxanne".

500 days
This is one rom-com I might actually go see.

Thin Lizzy
I just saw the Def Leopard fortified version of Thin Lizzy in Chicago on Friday and they were really good. I don't know who their singer is, my friend says he's from The Almighty, but he was good. He's younger than the original members and the Def Leop guys and he kept them energized. I will say that

Not even Community can do a better "Pulp Fiction" episode than the Simpsons
I couldn't understand why Jeff had never heard of "My Dinner with Andre", but judging from the comments tonight, I'm guessing a lot of people younger than I would not have heard of what was a rather small film. I recognized the reference