devil dinosaur

just wanna say that anyone who has a similar love for this era in hip hop should check out the mello music group. they're the label that's putting out stuff that gets me excited.

the cat returns??? an "uncertain touch"????

yeah, that episode was a weird experiment. thank god afterwards they got back to the sports bar they all owned together.

god you're so good at meditating.

dunno if someone said this already but to my mind the perfect film-book adaptation was akira.

yeah i tried 3 times last night and got nothing, was hoping someone here had info about it.

all right all right, here's the revised equation.

unsupervised, dawg!

it truly is a requiem for a thursday.

hm. good points. it seems like we're almost in agreement except for our conclusions; i definitely don't think it's either-or proposition… making us laugh with characters and making us feel empathy for them is something that i think parks and recreation does incredibly well.

tom haverford's rant was funny BECAUSE i wasn't familiar with 90's r&b. it was also funny in the context of him trying to woo ann, who is way out of his league, but is for some reason putting up with him.

here's my two cents, ignore them if you please:

i don't know, lucretia seems to have made some really canny moves, but she is outflanked on every side. glaber killing albinius really put the kibosh on her plans, but she managed to get illythia back in her corner, which should come in handy depending what happens to her in the wake of the gannicus episode.

yeah, they even mention the fact (maybe in the previously-on?) that gannicus won his freedom by killing 20 gladiators. yeah, you want to watch a guy like that pretty fucking carefully.

yeah, this moment seemed a bit half baked to me, but i don't doubt they'll be developing it down the line.

just finished rewatching blood and sand, and realized that agron was actually a better-developed character than i gave him credit for. it was a bit disorienting seeing him as such a major character in this new season, but his badassness is well established in blood and sand.

and yet how could it be better when it has approximately 100% less corey feldman?

jimmy jr's dancing was so incredible just from an animation perspective. where's the gif?

there seems to be a consensus "no." i say fucking go for it. you want to listen to the haters all your life? goonies is rock solid gold.

"we're about to die, do you really want your last words to be sarcastic?"