
Nah, just here and Alan's. Thanks for reading!

Dinner table grace
This was my favorite bit, and I just about fell off the couch laughing at Peggy's mom ("Are you going to say grace now?")
Of course, Vatican II was just around the corner (Oct 1962), and the whole scene was just a beautiful little portrait of that upcoming conflict in miniature; the younger, slightly

Not to be all correcty
I believe Daniel said his Mom was Iraqi.
And that was Kelli's grandmother, not her mom.
Carry on

He is currently kicking serious ass Pinter-style in "The Homecoming". Added bonus - Al Swearingen.

"Sunday" in NYC
Well, you got me. I created a profiile just so I could send thanks for this primer. What a great Christmas gift!
By the way, the revival of Sunday in the Park with George going up at the Roundabout in 2008 is the absolutely magical production from the Menier Chocolate Factory in London. I can't