
Harvard is tearing up that honorary doctorate as we speak.

Is Eddie's mum still alive? I love her.

My Best Friends Wedding
That was the first thing I ever saw Carrie Preston in. She was hilarious in it and stole whatever scenes she was in. I know the movie itself sucked, but she was great in it, and I thought she would go on to do alot more movies.

She's a veteran because she's done alot of work on stage and screen. Being a veteran has nothing to do with age, and that line is often thrown around to describe both male and female actors.

There were twenty of them and yet they didn't all attack her at once which would've easily defeated her. They made sure to wait their turn to get beat up.

That sounds about right. I know at some point I watched this show on Nicklodeon but it was never that I went looking for the show. Nickelodeon would be on and this show would come on so I would watch it. I thought it was terrible then, but I still watched it because it was on my television.

I have this vague memory of watching Pinwheels and watching a cartoon about a little boy who visits the city by himself? I think he's going to visit his grandma? I think the boy was French or something. I don't know. I think I'm getting Simon and Alfie confused, it was so long ago. I do remember loving Emily though.

The Diplomats Club
I always thought that was such an odd title. Looking back at the episode I guess it is the most fitting title, but I still find it odd. It should've been called "The Assitant" or something. But I always wondered why "The Fusilli Jerry" wasn't called "The Move". Seinfeld often made titles out of

I can't believe there has been no mention of this exchange:

Heroes? Surely Heroes tops Alias as the series with the greatest never realized potential.

The scenes between Cole and Syd are my favorite of the two episodes. I could totally see her in pigtails completely blowing him off. I've always wanted to tell someone if they ever talk to me again I will break their kneecaps.

Sigh. Sark.

I was about to comment the same thing. Sloane has a "security team" specifically assigned to killing people he deems threats to SD-6. I doubt he would use Dixon.

There is also Elaine's remark of "Join the club" when Jerry says he feels "dirty" after being violated. Now Elaine is probably just referring to her crappy love life, but the line has some dark connotations to it.

Cold showers? They're for psychotics.
A very true observation by George. The Jimmy is an all time favorite for me. It has a lot of great underused quotes.
Kramer: "Oh no, you got to eat before surgery, you need your strength."

Yeah, I don't get the thing about the laugh track. Stating that the laugh track was going crazy to me implies that the laughs were not genuine. They seemed pretty real to me.

I don't see how Elaine was stupid because she didn't know Jimmy was referring to himself and not the other guy. How was she supposed to know he talked about himself in the third person?

The ads for this thing are really irritating
They are full of contestants saying reality show cliches, like "I'm here to win" and "My kids are important to me." Obviously the contestants are the rejects that didn't make every other reality cooking competition on air.

Is Leather Storrs not the dumbest name in history? What kind of parent names their child that?

I disagree with the Phil that Eames and Goren lacked chemistry. I think it's pretty obvious during the Goren/Bishop run that Eames and Goren had plenty of chemistry, it just wasn't any romantic chemistry WHATSOEVER. But I do agree with Phil that any suggestion that Goren wanted to have sex with Eames a very low point