
Well, there's successful dark comedy (e.g. Evelyn Waugh's "The Loved One"), and then there's throwing together slapstick, awful puns, and half-baked satire with ghoulishness and misanthropy, which was apparently Saward's idea of gallows humor.  In terms of dark comedy, "Revelation" is inferior to the awful "Happiness

Well, there's successful dark comedy (e.g. Evelyn Waugh's "The Loved One"), and then there's throwing together slapstick, awful puns, and half-baked satire with ghoulishness and misanthropy, which was apparently Saward's idea of gallows humor.  In terms of dark comedy, "Revelation" is inferior to the awful "Happiness

Saward and JNT truly deserved one another.  Here's a transcript of Saward's epic slagging-off of his recent ex-boss from Starburst magazine:  http://doctorwho.livejourna…

Saward and JNT truly deserved one another.  Here's a transcript of Saward's epic slagging-off of his recent ex-boss from Starburst magazine:  http://doctorwho.livejourna…

Oh for fucks sake, ZMF, the cult in Hot Fuzz was a parody of The Wicker Man. And no, not the risible Nicholas Cage misogyny-fest, but the uncategorizable original starring real-life badass Christopher Lee. Even if you're congenitally unable to appreciate comedy, at least round out your moviegoing CV.