I thought the clock counting down to zero at the end was a nice touch.
I thought the clock counting down to zero at the end was a nice touch.
Jack is Mario, Sawyer is Luigi, Kate is Princess Toadstool, Hurley is Yoshi, and Un-Locke is Bowser.
How the hell did the one guy survive? I mean Jack takes out the driver, the body guards, and the (soon revealed not-to-be) ultimate Russian bad guy and his security detail, but the assistant or whatever the heck he was, was able to answer dead bad guy's phone call from Logan and ask for an ambulance.
Grand Theft Auto MDVII B.C.E
Barnaby Jones
I suspect Ethan doesn't want to be too critical of the Prez, afterall he *IS* nailing her. I mean that point has been made abundantly clear, right? The President has lost her daughter to prison, her son to murder, her husband to integrity. She's been through so much, and besides, we know Ethan couldn't slam-bam…
Is it just me or has Katee Sackoff gotten hotter as her sociopathy has become more apparent?
I'm with everyone above in saying tonight's episodes, especially the second hour, we're classic (in a good way) 24. Although, help me out on this, wasn't it still dark last week when Tarin drove the WMD to its intended location; and yet, when he started getting bad guy nervous, it was broad daylight?
"Dear Hollywood:
Noticed Michael Irby from "The Unit" happened to be the lead guy on the assault team that attacked Jack and Secret Service in the tunnels. Too bad they didn't have Dennis Haysbert leading them.