
Thought this episode was fantastic. Sure, it wasn't the smartest or sharpest episode they've done as far as political commentary is concerned, but the farcical quality and miscommunication was absolutely stunning to watch.

"designed by manorexics, for anorexics"

I don't care that it's a crass and easy joke, I'll never not laugh my ass off when they show a shot of Charlie straight up leaving Eustace sitting there in the dark

Somebody else mentioned this but I must say I was disappointed with how underutilized Andrew Scott was in this. For a man who can capture so much attention with his delivery he was essentially told to just be a bit snarky to M, when he's capable of so much more as an actor.

I'm becoming increasingly annoyed with the dad in this show. Like he's actually ruining it for me. Why in the hell would he go along with all of Rob Lowe's shit? He's a lawyer too, shouldn't he really be moreso aligned with Fred Savage?

>I Dawt I Daw A Puddy Dad

In episode TABF08 a 2-second cutaway gag reveals that Mr. Burns has clones. I mean, what are we, to believe that this is some sort of magic cartoon with a non-canonical and unrealistic joke? Boy, I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder.

I thought the episode would've been worse if not for Atkinson. They showed restraint not using him for this long and I'm sorry but Taran Killam's delivery makes the sketch gold once or twice a season. Also, lost it at "Hey Nas" -Mike O'Brien greeting JK Simmons, whose wearing a beanie

Not trying to be mean, but does it annoy anybody but me that Gil not only has success with women (See: His normal looking ex-wife and tonights episode with Natasha Leggero), but has success with women due to unsolicited interest? He's a fat guy with a beard and the personality of a socially awkward child, why does he

I know this is an unpopular opinion but I thought this was their best episode in years. It had a great Futurama vibe to it, and if Futurama will no longer be produced, I have no problem with the writers occasionally losing a bit of the realism of Springfield for the sake of non-canonical fun.

Lucy should've been on this list. There's a thin line between odd and poor and Lucy certainly crossed back and forth many times.