The Degenerate Elite

Solar Powered Zombies!!! That's fucking amazing. and much more original than Victorian zombies, although it would be nice to see then get the grapeshot.

Wait…. don't we spend like 80% of our budget on our military and pigs.

And Mara looks like a fucking goat - bleech!

whats next? Space:1999 or even UFO ?

wow are these sluts ugly
like hosting Tales from the Crypt ugly.

this will rule
if they bring back Vanilla Ice…. and everyone else on those VH1 shows.

Wait wait wait…..
when the fuck did he get married?

Great stories
Brad is a creative writing instructor at the University of Wyoming and I have had several courses from him. He's a very cool writer in the drinking, Hemingway mode.

It was great in Lawnmower Man - oh wait

In 3D too - oh joy
Insert random fart cloud, barf, donkey ass coming at you .

Austrailia can eat shit until…
the new Mad Max movie comes out.