
Yeah but then didn't she go on to remark on the rise of developmental disorders? It came off as subtlety anti-vaxxer to me.

That was somehow the third reference to Pogs I've encountered today. And it's 11am.

But The Kids Are Alright is my evidence that I can love a normal movie that doesn't have ultra violence or aliens.

I went to see The Unicorns and some band I'd never heard of called Arcade Fire opened. It was an early show, like 6 o'clock, so there was maybe 25 people in the audience but they played their asses off.

Screaming Trees/Soul Asylum/Spin Doctors was my first concert. Not interesting, I just needed that on the record.

What is tungsten or wolfram?

You guys are forgetting Barrett Block, who I think was the alter-ego to a superhero.

I feel like it gets overlooked because it aired right after The Contest but The Airport is my favorite Seinfeld episode.

But it's from the director of Transmorphers and… The 9/11 Commission Report?

A little closer to my Wisconsin backyard is The Beast of Bray Road, a kind of were-dog thing. Whenever I'm in Walworth I drive down that road looking for it but all I've seen is some goats and chickens.

I've never considered "Hot Child In The City" was sung by anybody but a
man but hearing it now I don't know why I was so confident.

Somehow none of the books I read ever get made into movies. But, eight years ago, I asked my girlfriend if she had a book that was "a little off" and she gave me Under The Skin. Honestly, all I wanted from the movie was a look at the castrated pig-people. But I loved the abstractness of the movie.

I need USA to make a decision about Playing House before I vote in that category.

I only comment a few times a week so I think I'm safe Hitler was right.

I have pale blue eyes and watching Meg Foster in They Live made me wonder, "Do I look creepy?"

Robert Clouse's The Pack is a terrifically underrated (as no one reviewed it) killer dog movie with a fantastic lead performance by Joe Don Baker. It's still one of Clouse's dramatic films, and it's available on Warner Brothers' Archive Collection for you to watch.

I was wondering if any Community stuff would come out of this leak. Where's the e-mail exchanges about how difficult Dan Harmon is being?

Even though I saw her in plenty of things I always think of *batteries not included when I see her name.

Ow, my entire life!

Vimeo, you can do magic things.